How To: Join The Metaverse

So you want to join us in the Voxels metaverse for a party, huh?

Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2022


With live music, NFT wearables to give away and killer lineups of some of the best artists out there, an emanate Metaverse party is a seriously good time. But how do you join? Fortunately for you, entry into the metaverse is free and easy — just follow the steps below and you’re in!

Step 1: Voxels

We host most of our parties in the Voxels metaverse, so if you didn’t receive a link to go directly to the party, you’ll need to head to

Step 2: Logging In

When you get to the Voxels homepage, you can join the party straight away by entering ‘emanate’ into the search field, or sign into your Voxels account using your wallet.

You do not need a Voxels account to join our parties, but without one, you can’t collect NFT wearables, customise your avatar or win any prizes that we might be giving away — so it’s a good idea to get one!

Step 3: Getting To The Party

Whether or not you have signed in with your Wallet or are entering as an anonymous user, you want to check that you’re in the right place. After you have searched for our parcel (our digital plot of land), click the ‘Visit’ tab to join.

Our official address is:

EMANATE | MN8, 3 Hiisi Terrace. Lot number 7066

Step 4: Time to Party

Once you’re in, feel free to explore your surroundings and start chatting with other guests. Always be sure to check if there are any NFT wearables up for grabs or some EMT to be won!

If you get to the party but can’t hear any music, click the big screen above the stage to initialise the audio.

Extra Tips: Customizing Your Avatar

If you’re one of the lucky party goers to receive an exclusive emanate wearable, you might need a hand putting it on your avatar.

Fear not: It’s simple!

Once you are logged into your Voxels account using your wallet, hover your mouse over your username and click your username.

In this example ‘Sweezy’.

Now to edit your costume, click the ‘Edit Costume’ icon, in the top right corner of your avatar image.

Now, simply drag and drop the wearables you’d like to add to your avatar!

Need some more help? Check out this video tutorial to see how it’s done.

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