Major update and listing announcements!

Published in
6 min readMar 24, 2019

Roadmap update and Alpha launch details

If you’re an EOS holder, by now you probably have EMT in your wallet. Read below for a more detailed overview of what to expect from Emanate Alpha and the rest of 2019.

Covered below

  • Token sale update and unlocking
  • Exchange listings and liquidity
  • Details on Alpha Launch


The success of EOS relies on the adoption of EOS-based projects. Pre-register for an Emanate Alpha Account at We aim to have 10,000 accounts pre-registered ahead of the Alpha launch in May.

An update on tokens

After consultation with our major token-holders, advisors and development team, a decision has been made to keep EMT locked until we are closer to the launch of the Alpha Platform. There are several reasons for this relating to private investment opportunities, new exchange relationships and overall roadmap consolidation. We are also allowing Emanate Alpha additional testing time, pushing the live date into the first half of May.

EMT is still for sale in the dashboard

All purchasers will go automatically into a 5% bonus contract, paid every month during distribution, for as long as you are holding.

Confirmed exchanges and liquidity providers

Emanate has a few principles in mind to determine exchange listings. We wish to maintain some control over the onboarding of new exchanges, hence our token lock strategy. We don’t want to be on too many exchanges in the beginning, and we are not going to pay large fees for exchanges which have been proven to have 90% + fake trade volume.

When it comes to major exchanges such as Binance, Bittrex and Bitfinex we believe the best strategy is to focus on building the greatest cryptocurrency-powered music platform in the world and the strongest community possible. As we go about doing that, we hope the exchanges will support our community.

Our immediate goal is to get ranked on to expose the project outside of the EOS world.

#1: WhaleEx

WhaleEx has been chosen as Emanate’s first official exchange listing. WhaleEx has amongst the highest trade volume of any DEX in the world right now, including Ethereum based DEXs and has a strong user base in the Chinese community. EMT will be listed on WhaleEx with an EOS trading pair in late April, 2019. A special announcement will be made regarding a promotion as part of Emanate’s partnership with WhaleEx.

#2 Hotbit

Hotbit was chosen to be included in exchange wave one, as it offers exposure outside of the EOS world, good trade volume and is a Top 50 Coinmarketcap exchange. Hotbit will have ETH and BTC trading pairs initially for EMT. USDT may also be added in the near future. Hotbit has great exposure to the China and Korea markets. EMT joins eosDAC, Everipedia (IQ) and of course EOS on Hotbit in late April/Early May and trading promotions will also be held.

#3: Bancor Protocol

Emanate will be integrating cross-chain token swaps with Bancor Protocol. Bancor is leading the way when it comes to bringing new cryptocurrency fans into the EOS world. With their unified wallet, hundreds of ERC20 tokens will be instantly swappable for EMT.

Emanate is also already listed on Chaince, where EMT will be tradable as soon as it is unlocked at the end of April and listing is anticipated on Newdex amongst other EOS DEX exchanges.

Emanate Alpha

Alpha is coming

The Emanate team, community and our growing list of artists are pumped about the launch of Emanate Alpha, here’s a more detailed rundown of what is in store:

High quality, in-browser, streaming audio

This means that Emanate will be platform agnostic, accessible on iOS, Android and windows across mobile devices, tablets and desktop computers. Additionally, the app will be available from inside your favourite EOS wallets such as Meet.One, Lynx, TokenPocket and Nova. The demo currently has 190kb audio and it sounds amazing, so prepare for a step up. Don’t worry too much about extra data charges as the Emanate Streaming Server only pre-buffers a few seconds of audio.


All tracks are published as a ‘smart-collaboration’ meaning the payments can be split up for anyone who needs to receive payments for their contribution; whether a collaborator, music label or other rights holder.

Simple sign-up and sign-on

Fans do not need an EOS account in order to sign-up. There will be benefits of linking an EOS account but it is not a requirement. Emanate is focussed on introducing new users to our space without presenting them with the upfront friction of creating an EOS account.

Unlimited listening for holders of 200 EMT

If you hold 200 EMT, you can listen to unlimited music in 2019 and can access all parts of the platform. Users who visit us without signing up can only play music from a limited feed, and those who don’t have EMT will only be given a trial. Recipients of the AirDropsDAC EMT airdrop have been invited to claim a 200 EMT Alpha Account.

Claim one of 300,000 EMT airdrops

Global artists and labels

Emanate is for everyone in the music world. There is a place for the fans, the artists, token holders, labels and even managers. We’re excited to have over 50 top shelf artists already signed on, with more coming from our network and community every day. Record label and management company agreements have been made with more on the way. Emanate has artists ready to go from Toronto, Montreal, Berlin, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, Seoul, London, Paris and more. Emanate Alpha will be available in English, Korean and Simplified Chinese and more languages will be added according to demand.

Fresh User Interface

We've always prided ourselves on branding, design and User Interface. We’ll leave you with a taste of what’s to come…

Mobile web-app
Sign-on with planned SSO features
Main feed
Track detail with some post-alpha features

2019 Roadmap update

March 20 to 21: Airdrop to 300,000 accounts via AirDropsDAC

April 2019: Final days for pre-sale

April 10: Completion of Z11k incubator

April 13–14: Emanate at EOS World Expo (San Fransisco)

Late April: Token unlock

April/May: Multiple EMT Listings

May: Alpha Launch

May to August 2019: Alpha Updates

August 2019: Beta production commences


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