Movember: The Mental Health Issue

Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2021

To bring awareness to men’s mental health and to support the amazing work done by the Movember Foundation, we sat down with Dr Elon Gersh to talk about men’s health both in and outside of the music industry.

As a Clinical Psychologist at the Viewpoint, Elon has seen individuals with a variety of mental health problems, and he has shared his views on difficulties men are facing these days as well as some positive steps forward.

It is not always easy to address mental health problems, and even more so for men. Why do you think that is the case?

Mental health problems are challenging in general because they are tied up in our identity, our relationships and our most private emotions. During the pandemic, a range of intense stressors mean that mental health is a significant challenge for all people. There are particular challenges for men. These include evidence that men are less likely to ask for help, more likely to die from suicide and more likely to manage their mental health conditions with alcohol and other substances. The reasons for this are complex, but at least partly have to do with problematic elements of mainstream culture that can encourage men to avoid or suppress their emotions, and to avoid open communication.

Do you think this trend is changing?

I do think there is some reason to be optimistic about some of these trends changing. Notably, our culture is evolving and norms around rigid gender stereotypes are changing in promising ways. There are more flexible definitions of masculinity evolving, and the increasing understanding of gender diversity is opening up new ways of thinking. Some of the broader data still reflect worrying patterns, however, there are plenty of grassroots organizations and communities that are making a positive impact.

“our culture is evolving and norms around rigid gender stereotypes are changing in promising ways”

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From your experience, what are the most common mental health problems faced by modern men?

The most common concerns that I see in my practice as a psychologist are anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and substance abuse issues. Although these are common trends, it’s also really important to note that there is incredible variability within the category of ‘men’ and each individual needs their own approach in terms of support.

It has been suggested that the amount of available information and pressure of social media may lead to the development of some mental health disorders, what do you think of this? Would you be able to provide any examples?

I would be hesitant to place too much direct blame on social media as a causative factor in terms of mental health disorders. I would say that it is absolutely true that social media can have significant benefits and harmful effects, however, it’s important to note that this is the case with many spheres of life. Some of the research suggests that the harms of social media can take place through things like online bullying, unrealistic portrayals of body image or of people’s lifestyles, and problematic social isolation and loneliness. By the same token, it’s also true that social media can have the benefits of facilitating social connections, assisting people to find helpful resources and increasing solidarity within marginalized communities.

What is the connection between creativity and mental health? How does creating art affect the creator?

“I think there is a sensitivity that makes an artist great, in terms of a capacity to feel and to perceive the world in a unique way”

If I were to choose a word that seems to link creativity and struggles with mental health it would be sensitivity. I think there is a sensitivity that makes an artist great, in terms of a capacity to feel and to perceive the world in a unique way. This same sensitivity can also manifest as a sensitivity to emotions, relationships and the world more broadly that can predispose people to mental health challenges. Creating art can be painful. But in my experience, when artists get on top of their mental health challenges, their art just gets better and better.

Being an artist can be stressful, do you have any tips for self care?

It’s not too hard to find generic mental health advice online, and although it has become cliche, I think it’s true. Take care of your body (diet, exercise, sleep), have some boundaries (don’t work all the time), connect with people, try and have some sort of routine. For artists specifically, my advice would be to consider how you are talking to yourself when you create, what is your internal voice saying to you? Consider whether a different way of guiding yourself through the creative process might be more healthy for you.

“For artists specifically, my advice would be to consider how you are talking to yourself when you create..”

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