Our Creative Freedom Pledge

Since day one, Emanate’s mission has been to host an accessible and truly global music community with the best parts of blockchain on offer.

3 min readJan 1, 2020


Any serious artist should be able to monetise their music online

With the Alpha platform now in the market for over 3 months, we’ve taken feedback from artists, tested our subscription tiers and made many other observations.

On this first day of 2020, we’re making a pledge that we believe will help create a bright future for many musicians around the world.

The Pledge

On the Emanate platform, musicians from around the world will always be able to start from nothing, sell their music on various streaming platforms and make money from their creativity using just the EMT token: no bank account or credit card needed. This an opportunity never before seen for musicians amongst the 2 billion unbanked humans on the planet.

We’re calling this the Creative Freedom Pledge

musicians from around the world will always be able to start from nothing, sell their music on various streaming platforms and make money from their creativity

Emanate will offer a tier for hobbyist artists and those starting out with either no following or no means to buy tokens or pay a subscription fee. The free tier will be limit the number of songs, and artists will be able to earn their way to an EMT balance that will grant Creative Freedom (currently 5000 EMT).

From here, earnings can be cashed out for EMT, held, or easily sold for EOS, ETH or BTC. To be able to share music with the world and take earnings out in bitcoin, is a big deal.

To extend reach beyond Emanate, we will soon add a trial distribution service meaning that musical IP can be sealed on Emanate with instant payments to collaborators but also be pushed out to Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, TikTok and over 100 other streaming services around the world with payment flowing back through those same smart-collaboration contracts.

Emanate ‘smart-collaboration’ contracts sealed on EOS mainnet

The Simple path

While the above Creative Freedom Pledge has massive benefits for those with limited access to finance and music industry connections, the cryptocurrency aspects are not the simplest to navigate in the current EOS ecosystem.

For this reason, part of our pledge is to give artists a much easier path if they prefer. Sign up with an email address and password, get out your credit card and get started. Artists have started joining the Pro Connect subscription and through this, creators can register their work on the ledger (using their MN8UID and the emanateghost account), collaborate with anyone, get paid in realtime, distribute music to any streaming platform and take earnings in traditional fiat currencies. What’s more, in the coming months we are testing an Emanate Visa Debit card with a group of Pilot artists.

With these two commitments, our mission is clear: Continue to deliver the benefits of blockchain to as many musicians as possible whilst building a sustainable financial model and token model for the Emanate network, platform and community.

A call for Music Lovers

In future, Emanate will be updated with monetisable playlists and incentivised sharing for Music Lovers that will bring a new dimension to the way the community interacts and earns around their passion for music.

The Music Lover subscription is open now for those who wish to contribute early, our longterm sustainability and further funding relies on the growth of the subscription pool.

Jump on to Emanate Discord to discuss the pledge.

Recent video: Behind the scenes with TYPE3

Behind the scenes

Get involved

Listen to music on Emanate.live

Get EMT on Newdex, Bancor or yoloswap

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