Ember Fund — Product Hunt Launch

Alex Wang
Ember Fund
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018
Product Hunt mascot. Perhaps we need one too?

We’re excited to announce that we will be launching on Product Hunt in a few weeks!

What is Product Hunt?

In a nutshell:

Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It’s a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations.

The stats:

As of today, there are 715 cryptocurrency related projects on Product Hunt, roughly 1–1.5 million unique visitors per month. Not bad.

How it works:

Every night at midnight, Product Hunt refreshes the counter of newly launched products on their platform. From that point, the most upvoted products shoot to the top of the list. These products get a ton of traffic and are featured on the Product Hunt newsletter which goes out to 100K+ subscribers.

Product Hunt also has a pretty sophisticated algorithm that looks at the quality of upvotes as well as comments on the project to prevent people from gaming the system. They also used to enable “Hunters” or influencers to promote projects thus enabling the project to be pushed out to the hundreds or thousands of followers. They’ve since removed that, which I support. Now it’s completely community driven.

The challenge:

The challenging part of launching on Product Hunt is to get to the top 5 most upvoted projects for that day. There are literally hundreds of projects launched every day so most of them don’t make it there, but if you just so happen to have a product the community loves, it can be REALLY beneficial.

What we hope to get out of it:

Most products in the top 5 get between 3,000–10,000 unique visitors in the few days that they are in the top 5 list. Conversion rates are also astronomically high. It makes sense because the community is by definition, people that are able, willing and eager to try new products. I also learned from running a Kickstarter campaign that the most important part of running a campaign like this is really the community of builders, entrepreneurs, and dreamers you get to meet.

With that said, I know there just simply isn’t a silver bullet for a product’s success. So although we’re hopeful Product Hunt can be really beneficial for us, it’s not the be all end all magic bullet. What we do hope to get out of it is some feedback on the product and it does seem like a great place to meet other makers / engage with early users.

Please subscribe to our blog and join our Telegram to follow our story. If you are interested in our Product Hunt launch, you can subscribe here. I plan to be as transparent as possible and let you all know how this goes (good or bad). And as usual, ping me at alex at emberfund.io with questions.



Alex Wang
Ember Fund

I’m Alex one of the founders of Ember Fund. Invest like a cryptocurrency hedge fund.