AI for Marketing Strategy — Enhancing Human Intelligence or Rivalling It?

Amruth G
Embitel Technologies
3 min readJun 26, 2023

As AI-based content creation tools are gaining popularity, discussions around AI replacing human intelligence are abounding. Is AI on the verge of taking over human jobs? Really?

Let’s consider the world of marketing. It is known that marketers have been traditionally using AI-enabled marketing automation tools to enhance productivity. Today, AI is also helping marketers to enhance their creativity and develop the best possible marketing strategy.

Popular AI-based tools are fulfilling a marketer’s need for a virtual assistant, and the BIG 3 are investing heavily in it. GPT’s Chat GPT, Google’s BARD & Microsoft’s Bing are AI assistants, and if used right, they could assist marketers in creating trendy campaigns for each target audience of their interest.

Due to the tool’s capability to understand human behaviour and develop behavioural patterns, we should set predetermined limits to keep their functionalities in check.

Advantages and Opportunities of AI in Ecommerce Marketing

Embracing the power of AI for your ecommerce marketing strategy could generate the following key advantages and opportunities:

· Enhance Market Understanding: Data is the fuel to get the AI engine up and running. Data collection is an essential activity in any marketing strategy. With data collection and pattern recognition as two main functionalities, AI can predict future consumer and market behaviour in ideal conditions. It does so by analysing parameters such as Impressions, Click through Rate, Cost per acquisition, etc, which are used to assess a marketing strategy.

This ability will give you the power to design personalized marketing campaigns and execute them in an agile manner. The insights gained through the data collection are analysed and offered as campaign recommendations.

· Support in Content Creation: With the rise of generative AI, its integration into marketing automation tools can quickly help content creators understand the subject area better. Generative AI gives the content creator a structure for the write-up, key points to be included, and even more importantly, ideas on how to make the content unique. This sure is a game-changing application of generative AI tools!

But how does this benefit E-commerce Marketing? Creating Developing marketing creatives to promote products with AI’s help will require lesser lead time. This will help e-commerce business owners reach out to their target audience with essential product information almost instantly.

· Reducing the Complexity in Image Creation: With the attention span of humans fast reducing, creating engaging and visually appealing images becomes an important part of any marketing strategy. The emergence of generative AI software such as Adobe Firefly can aid graphic designers in quickly dishing out their marketing collaterals.

One may argue that this would reduce the need for human touch; however, knowing what’s needed, the planning & creation process of the image would still be controlled by humans.

Regarding e-commerce, imagine creating a marketing creative not by using over 50 tools within the editing software but by using prompts. Timing is a key factor associated with the success of a marketing strategy. AI will help business owners create visually pleasing images for their target customers, even with limited image editing knowledge.


Generative AI is tipped to be a “job killer”, but one should not ignore its ability to make one’s job easier, especially in marketing. Using it in the right way reduces the lead time to design and deliver enticing marketing campaigns.

The combination of human & artificial intelligence is bound to be effective for optimizing marketing strategies when the boundaries are respected.

Embitel has been at the center of e-commerce innovations for the past 16 years. To fully benefit from the technological advancements in the field of generative AI, use our marketing automation services to optimize your marketing strategy. Our experts can assist you to:

  • Operationalise your marketing strategy
  • Shape and streamline marketing efforts
  • Maximize marketing reach and ROI
  • Define strategies to reduce operating costs
  • Reduce the time difference between lead generation and retargeting

