Cloud-Native Trends to Watch in 2022

Swathi R
Embitel Technologies
4 min readNov 8, 2021

Cloud had evolved over the years and it is still going to be the most popular option for many organizations in the coming years too. One of the most distinctive features of the cloud is that it generates information and provides innovative solutions which can be used to leverage data. With cloud adoption, companies do not have to compromise on agility and can accomplish their objectives and core competencies efficiently.

Companies could sustain during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the significant role of the cloud in simplifying remote working environments. It is steadily becoming a cloud-based world. Let us have a look at the trends of cloud-native applications for 2021 and 2022.


In 2019–20 we noticed that multi-cloud operations gained momentum where applications and service workloads were being installed through IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) providers to avoid redundancy and failure. In 2021–22, there will be a rise in virtualized applications and PaaS services. Omni-cloud will be the buzz word and it will aid businesses in enhanced connectivity, better accessibility, replication of workflows and enabling specific workloads across various clouds.

Sustainable Cloud

Customers today expect that the companies should resonate with their values while meeting their needs. Companies should meet their customers where it is a healthy amalgam of values and services and a win-win situation for all. According to thesis writing services, customers today prefer sustainable products and services. Based on this research, it was seen that most of the companies have decreased their energy utilization by 65% and carbon emissions were reduced by 80%. This change was seen when their infrastructure was migrated to public clouds. The focus should be on saving energy and reducing server dependency as much as possible.

Edge computing

Cloud computing is not an easy thing to accomplish. It comes with its set of cons. Only a few service providers are able to get this through. There are security, bandwidth, and latency issues associated with the cloud. AI, robotics, and other intelligent technologies need high processing volume and low latency to enable omnichannel user engagement. It is not feasible to depend on the cloud for real-time decisions. Hence, Edge computing became the need of the hour.

Edge computing is booming and this trend consists of developing localized data centers for storage and computing wherever needed. This technology balances the load from the cloud and enhances the running and installation of various applications. It is any day better than relying on centralized networks. Here computing and management are managed on local. They also help in security, privacy, and optimization of computing utilization.

Hybrid cloud

A hybrid cloud makes the best amalgam of private and public clouds. It empowers companies to scale up seamlessly and gives scope for innovations. The efficiency is not lost in the process and is cost-effective. It comes with regulatory compliance and reaction speed that works together with private cloud potentiality. There has been a growth of 17% in this industry which is likely to grow ten folds by 2023.

Human cloud

The human cloud holds many talent platforms which provide on-demand access to businesses where they can scale within their workforce. The main objective here is to connect skilled resources that are located at different organizational levels and with different roles.

The human cloud comprises a network of resources and recruiters that is chiefly crowd-based and aids businesses with lesser overhead costs. This platform offers great compliance, customer service, and efficiency as compared to the traditional methods used for staffing.

Private cloud

Companies opted for public clouds mostly as it was easier to use and implement but when privacy was under scanner, companies are moving to

As companies and the cloud continue to interact, there is a need for more understanding of the capabilities of the cloud within an organization. The absence of an expert such as private cloud is why public cloud is receiving more adoption because it is easier for organizations to outsource services that they are unable to develop and manage by themselves. However, with more knowledge, organizations are starting to opt for the private clouds to maintain more control of their processes and not trade it for future flexibility.

While there was no significant growth in the private cloud industry in 2020, this is due to the increased ability of public providers to navigate organizations throughout the year. As we advance, the dynamics of power between private and public clouds will become equal. It will lead to a cloud industry that’s more democratic and is guided by the needs of the organizations and not industrial fixtures.

Standardized deployment and management

There is a steady move from VM/ Virtualization to containerization. The fact that containers are lightweight with easy isolation properties and common OS among applications makes it the current favorite among companies. They are portable across clouds and OS distributions and this improves in overall performances of workflows.

Security Improvements

Security will always be a concern for companies. To enhance security and compliance, companies will go for a service that consists of encryption, masking, anonymization at its best. Today users are expecting a holistic approach to achieve better security readiness.


It is very clear that the cloud is the present and future across many industries. It is going to bring a breakthrough in storage solutions. The companies need to know the trends and implement them to stay ahead of the competition. To assist you with this, you need an expert team with good customer testimonials to back it up. Reach out to our team at Embitel and leverage the best of cloud services in the industry today.

