Harnessing PIMCORE to Tackle Ecommerce Product Information Management Woes

Sreedevi Vamanan
Embitel Technologies
3 min readNov 23, 2023

Millions of products SKUS, multitudes of product attributes and categories, stock and inventory data, pricing and promotional data, rich and multimedia content, sales analytics and performance data…

Ecommerce brands often find it daunting to efficiently manage such an extensive array of product information daily across digital mediums.

This holds especially true for those dealing with a large volume of products or operating across multiple channels and markets.

In such a scenario, leveraging advanced software like PIMCORE is crucial in addressing many of the challenges of managing complex product information.

How Pimcore simplifies Product Information Management like a Pro:
Let’s look at how Pimcore helps navigate through some of these data management hurdles:

1. Localization and Internationalization:
Managing product information for different regions, including translations, currencies, and cultural adaptations can be overwhelming for brands with multiple market presence..
Pimcore serves as a centralized platform for storing, distributing, tracking and managing all your ecommerce product-related information in one place.
It offers a single source of truth for product data, ensuring accuracy and consistency even on multi-instance, multi-language ecommerce sites.

2. Data Fragmentation and Silos:
In a typical ecommerce setup, often, the product data exists in disparate systems or spreadsheets, leading to data fragmentation and silos.
This makes it challenging for your internal teams to maintain messaging and branding consistency and accuracy across various channels.

Now with Pimcore as a centralized Product Information Management (PIM) system, you can consolidate all the data from multiple channels into a common platform.
Thereby, eliminating data silos and ensuring seamless consistency and accessibility of information.

3. Inconsistent and Inaccurate Data:
Often, manually updating product information across numerous channels can result in discrepancies, errors, or even the entry of outdated data. This may hamper the brand experience for your customers.

Pimcore can help you tackle this challenge by automating data synchronization across different channels in just a few steps. Thus, changes made in the centralized platform are reflected in real-time across all integrated channels, ensuring precise product information distribution.

4. Time-consuming Manual Processes:
Managing large volumes of product data manually, such as updating descriptions, images, or pricing across multiple SKUs, is time-consuming and prone to errors.

Pimcore offers bulk editing and automation capabilities, allowing ecommerce brands to streamline processes and perform batch updates efficiently. This reduces manual efforts and minimizes the risk of errors in data management.

5. Difficulty in Managing Product Variations
Managing different product variations (colours, designs, sizes) and maintaining accurate information for each variant can be complex and challenging.
The main challenge is accurately presenting the content associated with each variant (images, descriptions, technical specifications) across all the touchpoints.

Pimcore provides tools for managing product hierarchies and relationships between variants. It simplifies the organization of variations, making it easier to manage and update information for each product variant.

Redefining workflows for better team coordination

6. Collaboration and Workflow Challenges
Coordinating teams across departments for product data management, ensuring data accuracy, and maintaining version control can be tricky at times.

Pimcore offers customizable workflows and collaboration tools, enabling teams to work together efficiently. Further, it also enables role-based access control of product data, facilitating better collaboration and maintaining data integrity.

7. Adapting to Multiple Channel Requirements
Each sales channel may have its own data formatting and content requirements, making it difficult to customize product data for each platform.
Pimcore enables customization and formatting of product information tailored to specific channel requirements. It helps in delivering the right content in the right format to each sales channel, enhancing the brand’s presence and customer experience.

In summary, Pimcore acts as an efficient solution for ecommerce brands to address these pertinent challenges in product data management by providing a centralized platform, automation capabilities, collaboration tools, and customization features.

Are you struggling to streamline your e-store’s vast amount of product information? Contact our digital consultants for a quick demo at sales@embitel.com.

