Headless CMS with AEM for Dummies

Swathi R
Embitel Technologies
3 min readApr 27, 2023

Headless CMS is an AEM solution where content is structured and made readily available for any app to use. Headless CMS facilitates in delivering exceptional customer experiences across various channels and platforms.

In Headless CMS, content forms the crux of the API platform.

Can AEM be a Headless CMS?

Absolutely, AEM platform enables you to approach content creation in the headless way. The availability of templates, formats, and web components through AEM helps authors to create content dynamically and independently. This content is now ready to be published across channels.

AEM is a win-win case because it supports conventional methods and also adapts to headless approach. This makes AEM a Hybrid CMS.

AEM in headless way is not suitable for every use case. Let us check the advantages of the headless method and when to use it.

The advantages of the headless approach:

  • Web pages or mobile apps are facilitated with content-intended SPAs (Single Page Applications), layout and elements for easy implementation.
  • Page reloading is reduced as unique experiences are offered to each customer.
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) software availability helps in editing web pages dynamically.
  • There is a possibility of complete integration for content-intended SPAs, and partial integration for new/upcoming projects that are not focused on content.
  • Content and assets can be multi-purposed any number of times.
  • Omnichannel content delivery across devices is effortless.
  • Unprecedented support from Adobe and their other related products is a plus.
  • There is clear distinction of tasks between teams for greater productivity.

Key Takeaways:

· To deliver fresh UX without compromising on the content quality, it is advisable to go with AEM supported SPAs.

· Through scalability and performance optimization, AEM facilitates Headless capabilities to deliver content on any device and channel.

· Few skilled developers for frontend and backend are enough to manage any headless project.

You should go with AEM headless or the hybrid way when the points mentioned below are met:

  • When you want to parallelly offer experiences on web and mobile apps through the same source code.
  • When there is a dearth of AEM developers for projects.
  • When you have SPA but waiting for SPA editor 2.0 so the content is displayed only in specific cases.
  • When content needs to be transported from AEM platforms in headless way.

The best solution

It is not wise to completely discard the traditional approach or go completely headless. It is good to use the hybrid method as it gives you the flexibility of moving between approaches seamlessly.

Technologies like SPAs and GraphQL will help you to maintain processes on a single platform without confusion.

Repurposing content through AEM integration with cloud is one of the best advantages of AEM as Headless. Content and teams are divided and sorted based on the objectives of the campaigns.

Campaign management and personalization are at the user’s disposal whenever needed. This saves time for developers, marketers and everyone involved.

We at Embitel have an experienced team who have almost 16 years of experience in digital experience and ecommerce. We offer end-to-end assistance to our customers and stride along with them to convert their goals into reality.

Reach out to our team for a free demo at sales@embitel.com

