How digital experiences will be more humane in the age of AI?

Swathi R
Embitel Technologies
3 min readJun 6, 2023

Today, what differentiates a brand in the market is customer experience. Over the years, brands have been increasingly leveraging AI to offer “intelligent” and enhanced customer experiences.

However, the adaptation of AI in customer experience is evolving and it is not what it used to be a few years ago.

After reaching the peak of AI inclusion in customer experience, enterprises have come full circle.

Yes, customer experiences are going to be more human in a couple of years and brands with a futuristic vision resonate with this.

So, how will human and AI partnerships enhance the future of customer experience?

I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow my playlist is updated instantly based on my current mood or how much spice intake is allowed for me based on my recent medical tests while I order my food at the restaurant.

Personalization in all phases of the customer lifecycle is the key to achieving this. Technology and business intelligence are the primary factors that enable personalization.

By keeping personalization at the core, brands truly can be like an extended family to customers with so much information at their disposal. They can use it in the best possible way to communicate with customers across channels and touchpoints.

Brands are leveraging innovation to include augmented reality and virtual reality in customer experience to appeal to younger generations. Use of avatars, anime for profile creation and interaction will make them feel valued and heard.

AI and human collaboration will work wonders for organizations as it enables customers to understand the product, services, USP of the brand, and with appropriate information they will be able to make the right decisions for themselves.

Chatbots are one of the most trending and applied AI technologies by enterprises today. Chatbots are scripted and can handle queries up to a certain level without glitches. So far, it's proven as a great implementation for organizations. However, still, a sizeable number of companies have customer service issues due to chatbots. All of us at some point would have had annoying experiences with bots and a lack of human support. There is a huge gap between human and AI synchronization that needs to be addressed.

Moreover, every day there are new updates added to the AI technology. It is important and inevitable for companies to be proficient with the latest skills and knowledge. It is at this juncture that companies should blend AI technology and human touch seamlessly and utilize the synergy to create unprecedented, personalized experiences. This step will ensure that our users become our loyal customers and the brand-customer association is long-term.

These are the facts we all probably know. However, the question that remains to be asked is how much of it have we leveraged to make better experiences. It is time to walk the talk and make a difference as we stride forward collectively as tech-generation.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Let’s discuss this.

Meanwhile, check out this infographic on AI-powered AEM features.

