How is Wireless EV Charging Moving to Early Adoption and Roadway Trials?

Ananya Chakraborti
Embitel Technologies
4 min readNov 8, 2023

In a world of fast-paced technological advancements, the electrification of vehicles has been at the forefront of innovation, transforming the way we move from one place to another. As electric vehicles gain momentum, the need for efficient and convenient charging solutions has become paramount.

One such solution that’s catching the attention of the automotive industry and eco-conscious consumers alike is wireless EV charging. In this blog, we’ll explore how wireless EV charging is making strides toward early adoption and roadway trials, marking a significant leap forward in the EV charging landscape.

The Need for Wireless EV Charging

Before delving into the exciting world of wireless EV charging, let’s understand the pressing need for this technology.

A Greener Future

With the global commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change, electric vehicles are gaining popularity. They offer a cleaner and more sustainable mode of transportation compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. However, to achieve a greener future, we need not only more EVs on the road but also more efficient and accessible charging solutions.

Convenience Is Key

One of the significant barriers to EV adoption has been the hassle of plugging in and unplugging vehicles for charging. This inconvenience has led to a growing interest in wireless EV charging, which promises to simplify the process and make it as easy as parking your car.

On a quick side note, check out the On Board Charger solutions offered by Embitel.

How Wireless EV Charging Works

Wireless EV charging is not magic, but it might feel like it. The technology operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, which allows power to be transferred from a charging station to the EV without physical contact.

The Charging Pad

At the core of wireless EV charging is the charging pad. These pads are usually embedded in the ground or surface where you park your vehicle. When you park your EV over the pad, the magic begins. The pad generates an electromagnetic field, which, when aligned with the receiver on your vehicle, transfers power wirelessly.

Efficiency and Safety

Wireless charging has made significant strides in improving its efficiency. The technology is designed to ensure minimal energy loss during power transfer. Moreover, safety measures are put in place to protect users from any potential electromagnetic radiation.

Early Adopters: Leading the Way

The early adoption of wireless EV charging is being spearheaded by both public and private entities, each motivated by different goals.

Public Infrastructure

Cities and municipalities are recognizing the potential of wireless EV charging to promote clean transportation. As a result, they are initiating projects to install wireless charging infrastructure on public roads and parking lots. For example, cities like Munich and San Francisco have launched pilot programs to test the feasibility of wireless EV charging for public use.

Private Initiatives

Auto manufacturers are also taking the lead by incorporating wireless charging technology into their EV models. Many companies have been exploring this technology to enhance the charging experience for their customers. By offering wireless charging as an option, automakers are setting the stage for greater adoption.

Roadway Trials and Future Prospects

The roadmap to widespread adoption of wireless EV charging includes comprehensive roadway trials. These trials aim to address various challenges and refine the technology for mass deployment.

Wireless Charging Highways

Imagine driving your electric vehicle on a highway that charges your car as you cruise along. This futuristic concept is being tested through various trials worldwide. Wireless charging highways promise to keep EVs charged during long journeys and reduce the range anxiety that some potential EV owners may experience.

Parking Lot Innovations

Wireless EV charging is also making its way into parking lots. Companies are developing smart parking solutions with built-in wireless charging capability. These innovations aim to simplify the charging process and make it an integrated part of the parking experience.

Challenges and Considerations

While the future of wireless EV charging is promising, it’s not without its challenges and considerations.


The automotive industry must work toward standardizing wireless charging protocols to ensure compatibility between vehicles and charging stations. This harmonization will be crucial for the widespread adoption of the technology.

Cost and Infrastructure

The installation of wireless charging infrastructure can be costly. Ensuring that this technology is economically viable and accessible to a broad range of consumers is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed.


Wireless EV charging is not just a futuristic concept; it’s a reality that’s steadily making its way into the automotive landscape. As early adopters lead the charge, and roadway trials become more prevalent, we can expect to see a future where EVs are not only emissions-free but also charged with utmost convenience and efficiency. The road to widespread adoption may have its twists and turns, but the promise of wireless EV charging is driving us toward a greener, cleaner, and more accessible future.

As the automotive industry charges ahead, it’s clear that “EV charging” and “wireless EV charging” are no longer buzzwords; they’re the way forward. So, get ready to witness the electrifying transformation of our roadways as wireless EV charging paves the path for a more sustainable future.

