How this ecommerce consulting firm is helping distributors to solve their persistent challenges

Sreedevi Vamanan
Embitel Technologies
3 min readDec 6, 2022

Ecommerce has revolutionised the way businesses across industries operate by offering diverse opportunities and tools to:

— Serve & engage with customers beyond border and time zones and across multiple customer touchpoints
— Be available and ready to serve 24*7
— Deliver incredible experience across all stages of the customer journey.

There are industrial networks such as the B2B sellers and distributors, that still are waiting to leverage the whole gamut of benefits of eCommerce. Adopting ecommerce is the most viable channel towards realising their long-term vision of digitalising operations and delivering a connected, multichannel and B2C-like customer experience.

With ecommerce pundits predicting the B2B ecommerce growth to reach $1.8 trillion benchmark by 2023, the B2B sellers and distributors have a huge growth opportunity awaiting them. Not only this, unlike in the earlier days, the B2B buying community is also anticipating a B2C-like process and experience to:

Ø Discover product information

Ø Analyse the product specs and details

Ø Research and Compare it with the market standard

Ø Evaluate and make the purchase decision

All this via a hassle-free one-click process where they don’t wait endlessly to connect with a PoS as in the traditional model, to make the final purchase decision. No wonder many distributors are demonstrating high enthusiasm for the digital transformation of their business models .

However, the path to embracing eCommerce is not easy , especially if you have been playing in the traditional model for decades. There is this inherent complexity of the B2B buying process, the presence of middlemen, the lack of a transparent and streamlined process, varying prices and purchase terms and agreements — et all.

Ecommerce Best Practices for Distributors for Enhanced Growth Prospects

1. Analyse the unique business challenges & study your customers:
Distributors vying to go the eCommerce should first understand the USPs, the customer requirements and the challenges that are unique to the trade.

You should have a thorough understanding of what your customers are typically expecting from your brand and how you can fulfil their demands at every stage of the user journey. You can integrate advanced data analytics tool with your ERP system for this purpose.

2. Turn your distribution channel flexible to accommodate dynamic customer preferences: In this highly dynamic commerce world, you should focus on turning your distribution strategy into a more flexible and dynamic one to accommodate new-age customer preferences for a highly personalised, real-time and context-specific omnichannel buying experience.

You can achieve this by leveraging a mix of ecommerce technology platforms such as Adobe commerce that offers endless opportunities to personalized digital experiences, Adobe /Google analytics to observe historic as well as changing customer buying patterns, AI-enabled inventory management modules, Mobile or Progressive Web apps to manage and bring all the stakeholders viz. the hub manager, the inventory manager, the delivery and logistic partner — on the same page. This will also help to streamline the inventory and supply chain process to keep your entire process nimble enough.

An experienced ecommerce consulting services firm can help you evolve your business into a pro-ecommerce one and help you achieve significant increase in conversions, average orders and demand revenue.

As a trusted ecommerce consulting service partner, Embitel has partnered with numerous brands to streamline their supply chain services and address distribution vows through innovative eCommerce solution. If you are seeking the guidance of an experienced ecommerce consulting partner, you can schedule a call with us at wherein we can together evaluate best-fit ecommerce solutions ideal for your business.

