Trends in Software Testing

Irushi Ananda
Embla Tech
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2020

A second around the world is a set of tremendous changes and innovations. The software industry is one of the sectors which welcomes innovations and new technologies. So, “Quality” is the key factor of the software and product. There are numerous technologies, tools, trends for maintaining those rapid changes and innovations. Among those, let’s focus on the top ten.

1. Agile and DevOps (Development and Operations)

Agile focuses on rapid changes and releases, customer feedback and collaboration since DevOps refers to the agile relationship between development and IT operations. DevOps involves practices, rules, processes, and tools that help to integrate development and operation activities to reduce the time from development to operations. So, both Agile and DevOps will develop and deliver the product faster with more quality.

2. Performance Engineering

Currently, performance Engineering is replacing Performance Testing. Analyzing how each component of the system work together takes high priority than executing test scripts. Thus, the main focus will be on architecture, design, and implementation.

3. Test Automation and API Services

Automation is the most trending and upgrading technique in the software QA field. By using Test Automation, every organization can have several benefits like improve test coverage, faster software testing cycles, Early detection of defects, reusability, cost saving, time saving, etc.

API and services are using for improving the functionality used by the end-users on UI. So, we need to Have the right process, tool, and solution for API automation test. API and services are reusable for multiple applications or components.

Ex: — SoapUI, Postman, Apigee, Rest-Assured, APImetrics, Karate DSL, Rest Console are some API tools. Selenium, TestDrive, QTP (UFT), Ranorex, Appium, TestComplete are some automation tools.

4. Mobile Test Automation

The trend of mobile app development is to grow and increase mobile device with high capability and performance. This mobile test automation will help to track and maintain all testing needs, test coverage and high performance.

Ex: — Appium, Test Complete Mobile, Ranorex, SeeTest, Selendroid.

5. Integration of Tools and Activities

The integration tool is like a repository of data of various sharable and usable modules. We can verify each integration by an automated build to detect integration errors. By maintaining integration tools and following activities will help to optimize business processes, cost savings, etc.

Ex: — Test Rail, Improvado, CloverDX Xplenty QlikView Talend, Teamcity, Jenkins.

6. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI and ML are the top up and going trends in current QA society. To generate proper test cases, test scripts, test data, and reports, AI and ML algorithms are developed. Using Predictive models can make decisions about where what, and when to test. To detect failures, understand test coverage and areas of high risk, Smart analytics and visualization will contribute big effort. In future AI and ML will increase more automation, augmenting reality, optimize analytics, etc.

7. Test Environments and Big Data

To verify that the high volume of data is processed successfully with high velocity, we are using Big Data testing. Basically, it focuses on Performance and Functional Testing. At present, testers are mainly concerned about testing maintenance, management and data storage of Big Data. Accuracy, validity, duplication, data completeness are some characteristics which checked as quality factors.

8. Digital Transformation

Since Digital Transformation is a kind of integration of digital technology, it has become an incredibly popular one in the IT industry. For better optimization of functional testing, testers will be required to figure out robust strategies in the field of digital assurance. Digitalization provides better customer insight and best practices.

9. Cloud-based testing tools

Another most ongoing trend is Cloud testing. It benefits of easy availability, high scalability, and low cost. From cross-browser testing to performance testing, testers and developers are going to take the help of cloud-based tools to fulfill their testing needs. Cloud QA provides a cloud testing environment to run tests on multiple platforms and real browsers.

Ex: — Test collab, SOASTA CloudTest, LoadStorm, BlazeMeter, Jenkins Dev@Cloud, Xamarin test cloud

10. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation technology is built to perform critical and repetitive tasks with high speed. RPA will benefit system accuracy, productivity, reliability, consistency, etc. RPA is a user-friendly and cost-effective tool and it is worth for business processes.

Ex: — LINX, Automai, WinAutomation, HelpSystems, KOFAX, OpenConnect

By using and following all the above mentioned and available trends are improving our software and product much more flexibility, productivity, efficiency, reusability, and quality.



Irushi Ananda
Embla Tech

Software QA Engineer at Agrando as Embla Software Innovations (Pvt) Ltd.