Emblock, WE ARE!

Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2020

April 2020, a period in my life that I will never forget.

I do not need to tell how COVID-19 has unexpectedly and completely changed my way of thinking, blowing up what I have taken for granted for years: the steadiness of our existence, the radical shift of how we consume and produce, and the fragile way we exchange and share with others.

April 2020 is also a (challenging) period as I decided to make a big move in my professional career by joining EMBLOC, a tech company dedicated to B2B Blockchain Application, as Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder. (Thank you Romain (CEO) and Alexandre(CTO), for the trust that you put in me. My wish is it will inspire us every day in our work!)

The right match

Emblock has been created by Romain and Alexandre, two highly talented software engineers with a proven background in tech infrastructure, mobile, IoT and Blockchain applied to sectors like TelCo and Energy. From my side, I bring experience and skills in Business and Marketing on digital applications with a focus on UX applied in Energy, Insurance and Finance. By working together in the past, we have supported big organisations to shift on their digital transformation.

Now, we are focusing on Blockchain technology because we strongly believe that Blockchain is the next big thing! During our previous jobs, we have seen the pain (and the gain) to deploy live projects and use this new generation of applications. We are working on the processes and the tools to make the adoption easier for businesses.

Besides the technology, what motivated me to join the venture is working with both of them. They combine a good balance between tech knowledge and business understanding with a creative mindset. I am convinced that the three of us together will continue to deliver a qualitative product and build a great company to work in.

What is Emblock?

Emblock is a Blockchain as a Service platform for Enterprises and Public Institutions, multi-cloud, multi-protocols.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

We believe that companies and institutions need to easily and quickly build new collaborative models with their ecosystem. They need efficient tools which are secured to connect to their legacy systems to monitor their network. This requires deep tech expertise to increase the connectivity with third-party applications or devices.

What do we do? We focus on 3 main objectives:

  • Improve collaboration and governance by creating enterprise-grade features for designing consortia and diverse levels of shared responsibilities
  • Increase connectivity with the different systems and technological layers with especially strong expertise in IoT
  • Develop tools for simplifying the production in a Corporate environment

What it brings to our clients: Traceability, Monitoring, Data sharing, Tokenization of assets and more… in a unique “non-custodial” platform.

Any example?

Quite a few actually… and we are pretty excited to give more information about our current onboarding soon. Stay tuned!

Emblock, WE ARE!

If you want to know more about Emblock, just say Hello here!

