2019 Trends for the Event Tech Industry

Gabriela Araújo
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2019

The upcoming year brings exciting opportunities for the event planning industry. 2018 was the year that the event business finally fully entered the high-tech spectrum. A range of happenings dictated the path of the sector: privacy concerns aroused from the controversial GDPR, positioning cybersecurity on top of priorities. Smartphones and smart apps entice more connection with attendees and are becoming more reasonably priced. Integration is a hot topic and pushes event planners to search for platforms that connect the different components of an event. And last but not least, measurability is not an option any more, the industry is becoming more data-oriented. Let’s dig a little dipper, shall we? Here are the 2019 trends for the event tech industry.

  1. Cybersecurity: One of the top concerns at the end of 2018 is the privacy of attendees, the GDPR law has strengthened the conditions of data protection of European citizens, restraining the freedom of those who store and manage the data. This trend is anticipated to continue on top of the industry. On top of the GDPR is necessary to ensure compliance with more cybersecurity-oriented legislation and standards: Data Protection Act and PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).
  2. Real-time apps: The adoption of apps that offer real-time communications, social news feeds and dynamic agendas is dictating a shift from traditional to digital attendee engagement. The need to connect the audience, not just with the event sponsor and planners, but within themselves, is a driver for this trend.
  3. The use of in-depth Analytics for Personalization: Event planners are improving user experience through personalization tactics. For this, is crucial to track data that enables organizers to target users with relevant content and communications. This, in turn, will result in higher levels of engagement.
  4. Shifts in the way data are gathered: Event analytics has been an important focus in 2018, however, the industry is predicted to see significant changes in the way data is gathered. A multichannel data-gathering approach is expected to prevail, with multiple sources such as apps, trackers, sensors, social feeds, post-event surveys and staff-conversations continue to be tapped in and provide real-time data that can be used to increase event-personalization and shape unique customer-journeys.
  5. Augmented reality: The need for interactivity has opened the door for sponsors and planners to tackle engagement through augmented reality. The ability to immerse attendees in more meaningful in-depth experiences is the key driver for this trend.
  6. Internet Of Things (IoT): The industry is expected to mature in the concept of connecting objects via the internet, that ultimately can result in lower costs and enhanced attendees experiences.
  7. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI has been on top of global discussion in 2018. We will see the question if AI will impact nearly every industry and society at large, develop into a fact that is no longer questionable. The event industry is no exception, it is expected to experience new creative ways of engaging and improving the attendee journey. Noticeably, in the form of chatbots and integrated into fully established event apps.
  8. Authenticity: Consumer behaviour in 2019 craves for authenticity. This is a crucial aspect for attendee immersion and involves coherence and a clear purpose throughout the event. This can be achieved by choosing sponsors that match an event’s value proposition, choosing a topic that truly resonates with the target audience interests and defining speakers that reflect a brand’s expertise accurately.
2019 Event Trends

These trends are expected to prevail in 2019. However, they must not be looked at separately. Instead, a successful event will be the one that is able to integrate all the aspects and provide a unique attendee experience throughout the event.

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