AR/VR/MR: The Next Big Thing in the Events Industry?

Gabriela Araújo
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019

Immersive Technologies are set to be one of the biggest buzz words in 2019 for the Events Industry. Expected to create deeper and more meaningful connections with attendees, it is still a big question mark the path of this tech.

Immersive Technologies

Let’s begin by differentiating between AR, VR and MR

What is AR/VR/MR?

AR, Augmented Reality, is a view of the real world, where elements are complemented through computing by inputting information via sound, image, video or GPS location. Augmented reality is a layer that is added to the real world but is not part of it.

VR, Virtual Reality, is a simulation generated through computing, which replicates environments, characters, elements from the real world or imaginary, allowing the user to interact with them.

MR, Mixed Reality, as the name suggests, is a mixture between the real world and the virtual world. The goal is that the content, produced from computing models, interacts in real time with the real world and vice versa. A good example of a device that has long been talked about is Microsoft Hololens, which allows programmers to develop elements that are visible in the real world with bidirectional interaction.

There is also a new wave of thought regarding XR (Extended Reality), a combination of AR, VR, and MR. But we will focus on that in a future article.

In terms of use, it is necessary to understand that these environments and the resources necessary to develop for these environments have a cost that, often, require high levels of investment.

One of the uses of VR at events that is the reason for focus is the possibility of attending a certain event without leaving home or work and be virtually present. Many events already allow you to watch via live-stream, with the technology that is nowadays available and its massification, soon the events will gain a new dimension.

These technologies are important, once again, to deliver relevant content to attendees. The development of content that allows delivering unique experiences around a determined topic or event theme. One of the most basic examples, yet extremely explanatory, a charity event that will show the difficulty of certain populations with the basic needs and the awareness that this technology can bring in fundraising.

AR can, in many events, introduce elements that are not available physically at the moment, but still, stimulate their use so that attendees perceive the importance. For example, in a car show where only one product is exposed but through a digital device, it is possible to visualize the different alternatives.

These technologies are still seen as the “cherry on top of the cake” for events but there is no doubt that in the last 50 years, the fast evolution of this technologies arises predictions of a future where these innovations will be as common as checking the event calendar in a mobile app. That is left to one’s beliefs.

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