Don’t Strive for Happiness

A good life doesn’t come from just happiness

Matthew David
Embodying Philosophy


By Emanuel Leutze — The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Public Domain,

In modern America, our idea of living a good life is predicated on the idea that we can attain happiness.

Or rather, it’s predicated on the idea that you should attain happiness. There’s a big difference in how we frame the can vs. should argument. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.

It is also assumed that once you attain this magical state of happiness, it will either last forever, or be enough to weather the storms of life.

Neither of these assumptions are true.

We can be happy in one moment, and then the next, a tidal wave comes crashing down on us, and subjects our happiness to something tragic or evil.

A pandemic happens. We lose our jobs. Somebody we love dies.

These are all terrible and tragic things that happen, and I’m not sure happiness gives us all we need to weather these storms, and pursue a life that is truly good.

How should we live so that we can live a good life even when life itself is under threat?


First of all, we should investigate what I mean by happiness.



Matthew David
Embodying Philosophy

Philosopher. Writer. Coffee Addict. I write about Philosophy from the Ancient Greeks to Existentialism. ←Learn more here