My Reading List for the Summer

Spoiler Alert; It’s Philosophy!

Matthew David
Embodying Philosophy


Photo by Mariia Zakatiura on Unsplash

Ah, summertime.

A great time to attempt a vacation while you put that existential anxiety on the back-burner for a week or so while you pay for overpriced drinks somewhere Instagram worthy.

Perhaps you even have a crisis and wonder where you went wrong in your life for a bit, but never too long, because those overpriced drinks are waiting on the counter of the bar, and dammit, you’re going to get your money’s worth!

Summer is also a great time to get some reading done — but I’m a philosopher, so light summer reading is out of the question. And so are vacations with overpriced drinks.

And so, let’s take a look at the 5 books I will be reading this summer.

Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness is one of the major works of Existentialist thought — perhaps it is the major work; however, I never got a chance to dive into it like I wanted. That’s why this is the first on the list.

This book is going to be hard to work through. It is not a light read like some of the others I will talk about.

It is a challenging read that requires prior philosophical knowledge to get the most out of it. I…



Matthew David
Embodying Philosophy

Philosopher. Writer. Coffee Addict. I write about Philosophy from the Ancient Greeks to Existentialism. ←Learn more here