Embrace Clarity — Manifesto v1.0

Dimo Trifonov
Embrace Clarity
Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2019


Our communication belongs to conglomerates designed to harvest data and capitalise on our privacy. For the past decade we’ve been the customer and the product, we’ve made the biggest even bigger and more powerful.

We’ve allowed for profit organisations to shape our society through products designed to capture as much attention and data from us as possible. Communication became a common good but yet we still recognise it as a product with a market cap. The regimes of digital dictatorships are ever growing but they also inspired a wave of new technologies like Dat, IPFS, Ethereum and many others. Now it’s just a matter of passion and human collaboration to bring these new and empowering technologies to our society.

Embrace Clarity is a non-profit open-source project that wants to make communication a common good, and you can be part of it.

If you believe that the future is more than emojis, AR selfies and most importantly it doesn’t belong to centralised for-profit corporations, you can spread the word about Embrace Clarity so it can gain traction within the open-source community.

This manifesto is at v1.0 and edits, opinions and ideas are highly welcome.

