Emerald Full Node

Igor Artamonov
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2019

One of a big feature of Emerald Wallet is an ability to use a full node, instead of a remote node. If a user chooses a full node, then Emerald Wallet tries to download an official Geth node application. If a remote node has been chosen then Emerald connects to Gastracker.

Supporting a full node within the wallet is a cumbersome work. You need to keep node upgraded, support different configuration options, decide when to use Fast Sync or when to use Standard Sync. Multiply it by different Operating Systems. And user wants to manage most of these options. Not speaking about different chains, testnets, etc. That quickly gets out of hand.

In the next versions of Emerald Wallet we are going to change the way it supports full node.

That may look strange, but the first step is removing a Geth node from the Desktop Wallet. Instead of that it will reuse any existing node on the user’s machine. It will verify if there are any node currently launched, and if a user doesn’t have a full node running, then Emerald Wallet will automatically connect to own remote node, no action from user will be required.

Second step will be a Full Node as a separate product and as a hardware full node. What it will provide to a user and to the wallet? First of all, it will allow to manage and configure node as user wants. It will be easier for us to provide such functionality because it will be executed in an isolated environment configured by us. And second, it can be shared between different applications, and different devices.

Speaking about applications, as many of you know there is a plan to provide Emerald Mobile Wallet, and we want to have an ability to use a full node from mobile wallet as well. Running it on a mobile device is obviously unpractical, but connecting it to your trusted node in a local network is very possible.

We see a full node as a shared service accessible through a local network by multiple applications. More on that later.

