Generation Omega

Jordan Hall
8 min readFeb 14, 2018

Over the next twenty years, the generation of kids born in the Third Millenium, will face three fundamental questions. The resolution of these questions will, for good or for ill, describe a world that is so profoundly different from anything that humanity has yet experienced as to truly be the end of an era.

As a consequence, I break with recent tradition (Gen X, GenY . . . ) and consider these kids Generation Omega. If you consider the magnitude of what must be navigated during their lives, I think you will agree that it is most appropriate to view this generation as the last (human) generation. If they make it through these trials, what comes next will be something quite different from what we currently understand as human.

These fundamental questions are:

  • Humanity’s relationship to its environment
  • Humanity’s relationship to technology
  • Humanity’s relationship to itself

In this essay, I will briefly explore each of these three questions.

“We are as gods and we have to get good at it.” — Stewart Brand

Humanity’s Relationship



Jordan Hall

Changed my name back to Hall, sorry for the confusion. Also, if you are interested, my video channel: