A Discussion with Jeremy Lent About The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning

Joel de Jong
Emerging Future Podcast
2 min readApr 4, 2018
Listen to Jeremy discuss his book with me (Joel de Jong) on the Emerging Future Podcast

Author and integrator, Jeremy Lent, investigates the patterns of thought that have led our civilization to its current crisis of sustainability. In his book, The Patterning Instinct, Jeremy covers a vast expanse of territory. In time: from the dawn of homo sapiens to the present day and possibilities for our future. In geography: across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. In ideas: investigating key questions about who we are.. and where we’re headed.

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The themes of Jeremy’s book and our discussion include:

Culture, Values, History: How culture shapes values, values shape history, and asks the question, “How will our values shape the future?”

Human Nature: What is our true nature? The answer may shape humanity’s destiny.

Science and Religion: The battle between science and religion is ultimately a false choice. Jeremy explains why.

Power and Exploitation: The mindset of the Scientific Revolution also spawned genocides and environmental havoc. What made it unique in history?

Consumer Society: Our rampant consumerism is ransacking the earth. What are its root causes?

The Future: Is humanity headed for collapse? For techno-utopia? Or something entirely different?

In this conversation, Jeremy addresses each of these themes with eloquence, humility, and heart



Joel de Jong
Emerging Future Podcast

Purpose agent at Limen, partner at Evolution at Work, and host of the Emerging Future Podcast. The status quo needs to be challenged relentlessly.