Applied Innovation

Emerging Futures
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2016


The IPA’s Emerging Futures hub is not just about sharing inspirational content from high-profile technology events like SXSW. It’s also about application, about putting actions into operation.

Our focus this year in applied innovation is Agencies and Start-ups working together, better.

The UK’s vibrant tech start-up community provides tremendous potential for innovation. Agencies and their clients are well aware of this in principle, but tapping into the diverse world of tech entrepreneurship for mutual, sustainable benefit is not straightforward.

The very differences that make each community attractive to the other — innovation and agility vs scale and permanence, for example — can lead to misunderstanding, crossed purposes and friction. There have been notable examples of success and a fast evolving ecosystem of intermediaries has emerged to help, but it is clear to many that the collective opportunity for partnership is not fulfilling itself.

On first inspection, success in partnering with start-ups may appear a competitive advantage and therefore something to keep confidential. However, there is bigger collective picture many early adopters appreciate. The better all agencies and start-ups understand and treat each other, the better for everyone.

The IPA is the natural home for collaboration between competitors for collective benefit. That’s why we have decided to leverage the knowledge and experience of key players in the world of agencies and start-ups working together to raise the collective bar of understanding, engagement and good practice.

Later this year, via a brains trust of experts, we will publish a range of case studies showcasing examples of successes and learnings from various agencies and start-ups, followed by the formation of a concise code of good practice for both sides.

The first stage in building towards this is to publish a series of short narratives of personal experiences from these experts over the upcoming weeks. We will also be also bringing the debate to an Advertising Week session on Wednesday 20 April. ‘Getting it right: innovating the way agencies work with start-ups’ will feature representatives from all sides including David Pattison, Business Consultant, Investor, Mentor, Wingman, Former IPA President; Christina Richardson, Owner of start-up Openr; Rose Lewis, Co-Founder of Collider; Hannah Blake, Open Innovation Director, MEC Global; and chaired by Dominic Mills.

Phase one of Agencies and Start-ups: Working together, better is now available to download



Emerging Futures

The professional body for UK advertising, media & marcomms agencies.