Mobile Web Versus Mobile App Users: Which is Better for Your Brand?

Andrew Tenbusch
Mobile Discoveries
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2019

In 2018, 58% of website visits came from a mobile device, surpassing desktop usage for the fourth year in a row. Mobile devices also accounted for 42% of total time spent online. As mobile activity continues to dominate, there’s no doubt that your brand needs a mobile strategy. But what, exactly, should that strategy entail? Do you need a mobile app, or will a mobile-optimized website suffice?

While a responsive mobile site may seem like the easiest option, industry research shows that branded mobile apps (and the users they attract) are much more valuable. According to App Annie, smartphone users spend 7x more time in native apps than in browsers. And recent research by Criteo shows that mobile apps deliver 2x the new user retention power and 3x the conversions than mobile websites. Below, discover four reasons why mobile apps create a more valuable user base than mobile websites.

Mobile apps drive brand loyalty through personalization

While mobile websites can only offer generalized content, mobile apps enable users to set up their preferences and customize their experience. Whether it’s a fitness app where you can save your health information and goals or a shopping app that knows your size and style, this added level of personalization fosters increased brand loyalty. Additionally, mobile apps provide brands with greater insights into who their customers are. Armed with location and behavioral data, brands can send tailored communication or personalized recommendations that are more helpful to their users.

Mobile apps keep users happy with convenience

Unlike mobile websites, mobile apps allow users to access built-in device features like the camera and GPS. These capabilities make it easier for customers to find information or take the action they need to take, whether they’re taking a photo to deposit a check or looking for the nearest retail location of a favorite store. These features not only make it easier and faster to complete tasks, they make the mobile experience more interactive and fun.

Mobile apps keep customers engaged

Mobile apps enable brands to send dynamic push notifications that keep customers engaged. According to Localytics, customized push notifications have a positive impact on engagement, open-rate, and conversion rate. Research by Blueshift shows that triggered mobile push notifications — alerts that are sent based on a user’s behavior — drive 2,770% higher conversion rates as compared to batch notifications. When users see that a brand is reaching out to them personally and providing helpful shortcuts, deals, or information, they’re much more likely to stay engaged.

Mobile apps simplify shopping and drive conversions

Research by Criteo shows that mobile apps are more effective at closing the deal with customers than mobile websites. Specifically, customers view 4.2x more products per session within apps, and apps see 3x higher conversion rates compared to mobile websites. This is largely because mobile apps make the shopping experience faster and easier. Apps are shown to load significantly faster than websites, making it easier to search for and find products. Apps can also save user data and preferences, enabling one-click checkouts.

This isn’t to say that you don’t need a mobile-responsive website. The world’s leading brands take an omni-channel approach, leveraging both web and mobile strategies to attract and retain customers. But as customer acquisition and retention become increasingly more challenging — and as mobile app users continue to prove their value — it’s certainly time to make your brand’s mobile app a priority.



Andrew Tenbusch
Mobile Discoveries

Product Consultant at Digital Turbine. Dog dad. Die hard Miami Dolphins fan. Automotive enthusiast.