Emerging Public Leaders joins partners to celebrate the graduation of first cohort and inauguration of second cohort in special ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya

Emerging Public Leaders
Emerging Public Leaders
5 min readJun 13, 2023
Lined on the steps of Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, the first cohort of the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship Programme poses for a photo with the Prime Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Dr. Musalia Mudavadi, after their graduation.

Nairobi, Kenya. Friday 9 June 2023

Emerging Public Leaders¹ is proud to celebrate the graduation of the first cohort and officially inaugurate the second cohort of the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF) with our joint partners, the Public Service Commission of Kenya², and Emerging Leaders Foundation–Africa³ in a high-profile ceremony in Nairobi this week.

At the twin event held at Safari Park Hotel, 116 Fellows from Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 were joined by high-profile guests, including the Chief Guest, the Prime Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Dr. Musalia Mudavadi, E.G.H who gave the keynote address:

“As a government, we believe in developing young leaders for the success of our nation, especially in the public service. Congratulations to the graduating class and the incoming team, beneficiaries of the Emerging Leaders Fellowship Programme under the Public Service Commission’s initiative.”

Charity S. Kistou, Vice Chairperson of the Public Service Commission praised the Fellows for already having shown innovation, determination, and commitment in their departments since starting the training and had this to say to the new intake:

“I wish to encourage them to fully immerse themselves in all aspects of the program and look to help the government accelerate our progress towards our development goals. We are grateful to our two key partners, Emerging Public Leaders and Emerging Leaders Foundation, and hope we can expand this program across all of the public service.”

Mr. Emmanuel Lubembe, Chairperson of the PSELF steering committee and EPL Board Member said:

“Thank you to the Public Service Commission for its commitment to this program, to Emerging Leaders Foundation for coordinating the delivery, and also Emerging Public Leaders, founded by her excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the co-founder Betsy Williams. If we continue this way, we will reach a tipping point of public servants — focused on outcomes, competency, efficiency, and courtesy — working for the people of Kenya.”

Interim Executive Director of Emerging Public Leaders, Caren Wakoli talked movingly about the rewards of public service and the need for many more young professionals to join and be the voice of young people across Kenya within government.

“I have no doubt that with your mentors and supervisors, with their support, you will in the next ten, or even five years, be the change you want to see, ensuring equity and inclusivity, so that we have many young people in public service, and we amplify those voices and their needs.”

Most importantly, speaking on behalf of the Fellows, Tobias Simiyu Wabomba, Class President, Cohort 1, said:

“To you my friends, the graduating class of 2023 Cohort 1, we are armed with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. Together we are a network of leaders ready to change and lift each other in times of sorrow, in times of success, and celebrate the achievements of each and every one of us. We are promising that whatever that we have gotten from this program is not going to die in our offices. We are going to be ambassadors of change in everything we do…it is time. Let’s go out there and make the change that we want to see!”

After the ceremony, the first cohort of Fellows will start their mentorship journey and be included in Emerging Public Leaders’ pan-African alumni network with membership of other young public servants from Ghana and Liberia. The second cohort will start their one-year Fellowship training program with a curriculum developed in partnership with the Chandler Institute of Governance⁴ that combines experiential and practical learning in the workplace and focuses on citizen-centric service delivery, public service leadership and ethos, and public sector systems and methods.

PSELF Cohort 1 Fellow, Matilda Esinyon, receives her graduation certificate from the Prime Cabinet Secretary of Kenya, who stands between the Vice Chairperson of the Public Service Commission and the Interim Executive Director of Emerging Public Leaders.

Editor’s Note

[1] About Emerging Public Leaders

Emerging Public Leaders is a public service leadership organization that is preparing the next generation of competent and effective public sector leaders in Africa. EPL partners with governments and local organizations to rigorously identify public service professionals who are committed to practicing and promoting good governance throughout Africa. With our support throughout their career journeys, this diverse network of leaders influence and strengthen their country’s institutions for delivering democracy with excellence, care, innovation, and integrity. More information on Facebook and Twitter at @EPLeader.

[2] About the Public Service Commission of Kenya

The Public Service Commission of Kenya is a body created under chapter VIII of the Constitution of Kenya to reform and transform the public service for efficient and effective service delivery. It is an independent state organ which does not fall under the Executive, legislature or Judiciary.

[3] About Emerging Leaders Foundation — Africa

The Emerging Leaders Foundation Africa (ELF-Africa) exists to empower, support and accompany young women and men to achieve meaningful, dignified and impactful participation in governance, economy and public affairs at all levels of society. Anchored on our foundational values-based approach to leadership as service. ELF’s vision is pursued through three program pillars namely the Governance & Civic Engagement, Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods & Opportunity, and our signature Leadership Development Program. Learn more about ELF-Africa on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn

[4] About Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG)

The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) is an international non-profit organization, headquartered in Singapore. Founded upon the belief that good governments are the foundation of flourishing, prosperous communities and nations, CIG supports governments in building leadership, institutions, and public service capabilities through training programs, projects and partnerships, and knowledge creation. For more news and information, visit https://www.chandlerinstitute.org or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST

For more information, please contact Penelope at penelope@emergingpublicleaders.org and/or Amanda at amanda@emergingpublicleaders.org.

