How We Optimized Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) Workloads with SQL Server Columnstore Indexes: A Comprehensive Case Study

Part 1: OLAP vs. OLTP

Aleh Belausau
Emerline Tech Talk
6 min readAug 7, 2024



In data management, understanding the differences between Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is crucial for designing high-performing and effective systems.

Sometimes, a system needs both transactional integrity and analytical depth, which implies the use of both OLTP and OLAP. In this case, you have two options: employ separate database systems or use a hybrid approach that integrates the features of both. We used the hybrid approach by adopting SQL Server with columnar indexing for one of our solutions.

In Part 1 of this case study, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding Online Transaction Processing
  2. Understanding Online Analytical Processing
  3. Detailed Comparison Table: OLAP vs. OLTP

Before understanding the challenges of a hybrid workload, let’s delve deeply into OLAP and OLTP to understand why neither pure workload was suitable for our solution.

Understanding Online Transaction Processing

Definition and Purpose: OLTP systems are designed to manage transaction-oriented applications that require the rapid processing of many short, interactive online transactions. These transactions typically involve insert, update, delete, and read operations. OLTP systems are integral to everyday business operations where maintaining data integrity, ensuring transaction speed, and supporting concurrent access by multiple users is critical.

Key Characteristics of OLTP System

Key Characteristics of OLTP Systems

Key Characteristics

  • High Transaction Volume: OLTP systems can handle thousands of transactions per second, making them ideal for environments with high-frequency data entry and retrieval needs.
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Transactions are processed in real-time, ensuring that the data is always current and immediately available for subsequent operations.
  • ACID Properties: OLTP systems adhere to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of transactions. This ensures that each transaction is processed completely or not at all, data integrity is maintained, transactions do not interfere with each other, and once a transaction is committed, it remains so even in the event of a system failure.
  • Normalized Data Structures: OLTP databases are highly normalized, which means they use a relational schema to reduce data redundancy and ensure data integrity. This structure optimizes the database for write operations and quick lookups.
  • Concurrent Access: OLTP systems are designed to support simultaneous access by multiple users, ensuring that transactions can be processed efficiently without delays.

Common Use Cases:

  • Systems that manage account transactions, such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers, while ensuring real-time account balance updates.
  • Systems that handle customer orders, track shipments, and manage inventory levels in real-time.
  • Systems that manage customer interactions, sales, and support queries ensure real-time customer records updates.

Understanding Online Analytical Processing

Definition and Purpose: OLAP systems are designed for the efficient querying and analysis of large volumes of data. These systems are optimized for read-heavy operations, enabling users to perform complex multidimensional analysis on datasets. OLAP systems support strategic decision-making by providing insights derived from historical data and allowing users to explore data through various dimensions and hierarchies.

Key Characteristics of OLAP Systems

Key Characteristics of OLAP Systems

Key Characteristics

  • Low Transaction Volume: OLAP systems handle fewer transactions than OLTP systems, but these transactions are typically more complex and involve substantial data retrieval and analysis.
  • Complex Queries and Aggregations: OLAP systems can perform complex queries involving calculations, aggregations, and joins across multiple tables and dimensions. These queries often require significant processing power and time.
  • Historical Data Analysis: OLAP systems store and analyze historical data, enabling trend analysis, forecasting, and data mining. This capability is crucial for identifying patterns and making informed business decisions.
  • Denormalized Data Structures: OLAP databases use denormalized schemas, such as star or snowflake schemas, to facilitate quick query performance. These structures allow for efficient data retrieval by reducing the number of joins required during query execution.
  • Multidimensional Data: OLAP systems support multifaceted data analysis, allowing users to slice and dice data across various dimensions (e.g., time, geography, product categories). This capability provides a comprehensive view of the data from different perspectives.

Common Use Cases

  • Reporting and dashboarding solutions that provide executives with insights into business performance, key metrics, and trends.
  • Centralized repositories that store and consolidate data from multiple sources, enabling comprehensive analysis and reporting.
  • Systems that analyze historical financial data to predict future performance, identify risks, and plan budgets.
  • Tools that analyze consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes to inform marketing strategies and product development.

OLAP vs. OLTP: A Detailed Comparison Table

Workload Characteristics and Data Structure

This section details the key aspects and structural components of OLAP and OLTP systems, highlighting their primary use cases, typical operations, underlying data models, query types, and storage methods. Understanding these characteristics is essential for designing effective database systems that meet specific workload requirements.

Workload Characteristics and Data Structure


This section focuses on the performance aspects and data management strategies of OLAP and OLTP systems. It covers key elements such as response times, data update mechanisms, normalization practices, and concurrency handling. These factors are crucial for ensuring that the database system can meet performance requirements and manage data efficiently in various use cases.


Data Integrity and Optimization

This section addresses the mechanisms and strategies used to ensure data integrity, optimize indexing, enhance scalability, and improve overall performance in OLAP and OLTP systems. These features are vital for maintaining data accuracy, enabling efficient data retrieval, supporting system growth, and achieving optimal performance under varying workloads.

Data Integrity and Optimization

Data Management and Recovery

This section focuses on the management and recovery aspects of OLAP and OLTP systems. It covers essential elements such as data volume handling, data retention policies, data freshness, and backup and recovery mechanisms. These features ensure that the database system can effectively manage large datasets, maintain up-to-date information, and provide robust data protection and recovery capabilities.

Data Management and Recovery


In the first part of our case study on optimizing hybrid workloads with SQL Server columnstore indexes, we explored the foundational concepts of Online Transaction Processing and Online Analytical Processing, highlighting their characteristics and key differences.

In the next part, we will break down the specific requirements for our service and determine the most suitable type of storage based on our comprehensive understanding of the differences between OLAP and OLTP. We will also delve into the practical considerations and best practices for implementing a hybrid approach that leverages the strengths of both processing types.

Stay tuned for a detailed analysis of the practical elements of this hybrid approach, where we will examine real-world scenarios and provide actionable insights for optimizing performance and efficiency.



Aleh Belausau
Emerline Tech Talk

Data and Software Engineer specializing in using cloud technologies for business growth.