What We Do Together Matters: Participating In Education

Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2019

A quality education is the 4th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. Starting in 2019 we join this cause because we believe that education is the best way to build a better world.

Illustration by Jessica Triana

Nelson Mandela reminds us that “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” and we believe so. Education clarifies, motivates, brings us closer to others, generates understanding and gradually opens the door to a better world.

In January 2017 we created our Book Club to share what our team is reading, and we made this quote our motto: “Think before you speak. Read before you think. “- Fran Lebowitz, now, in January 2019, we decided to join Goal 4 “ Quality Education ”, one of the “Sustainable Development Goals” SDGs.

Campaign “Participating in Education” #ParticipatingInEducation

It is common to visit a municipal library and find books that are not very recent. This makes it difficult for young and adult learners to find updated literature on a wide range of subjects, especially in business, entrepreneurship, sustainability, peace, health, wellness, science, art, personal development, etc.

Having a set of such books in the municipal library allows everyone to have access to current, recent information that otherwise is only available to those who may have a certain amount of money to invest in books.

The main goal of the “Participating in Education” campaign is to equip municipal libraries with this type of literature. Our motto is “A library, a mission”.

Join us and come to be part of this initiative!

How to participate?

  • If you have recent books on topics such as business, entrepreneurship, sustainability, peace, health, wellness, science, art and personal development, you can send them to our address, we will take them to the municipal libraries. Emeteclass — Rua Engenheiro Von Haff, 47 1D, 3800–177 Aveiro, Portugal
  • Are you in the municipality of Aveiro? We can collect the books, write to emete@emete.com.
  • Do you want to donate directly? Great! All the help we get is good.
  • You can also send your contribution by bank transfer to Emeteclass PT50 0033 0000 45228212117 05, we buy the books and distribute them through the municipal libraries.
  • Share this campaign on your social networks, with the #ParticipatingInEducation hashtag, every help counts.

A new world awaits us

If you are passionate about books and are interested in helping us and / or would like to be an ambassador of the “Participating in Education” campaign, write to emete@emete.com, we will be happy to meet you..

An active participation in society is required. A sustainable, peaceful planet with good attitudes and opportunities for all depends on the daily effort of each of us.

Now, is the best time to create change in the world.
A new world awaits us. :)

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