Adventures in Making a Bariatric Surgery-friendly Cheesecake

In which I make an embarrassing rookie mistake.

Misty Fritz
11 min readFeb 28, 2019
Delicious, even if it took a couple tries.

I’ve been making variations on the same tried-and-true cheesecake recipe for more than a decade now, after discovering it on AllRecipes. I couldn’t even begin to estimate how many times I’ve made it, but it’s a lot.

An early attempt, screencapped from my AllRecipes account since I no longer have the original photos

The first several times, I stuck to the recipe as written: white chocolate raspberry. Over the years I started venturing out, using the original recipe as a starting point for other combinations — dark chocolate strawberry. Triple chocolate (my little sister’s favorite). Chocolate peanut butter. Chocolate chip. Turtle. Chocolate mint. I think I even made an apple cinnamon version, but that might have been based on a different recipe.

A turtle version I made in 2014

The point is, that cheesecake recipe is a favorite.

But then I went and had gastric bypass last year, and now I can’t eat that much sugar. I haven’t made the cheesecake since before my surgery, despite my sister’s…



Misty Fritz

Nerdy, liberal, bisexual woman in a tiny Illinois town who had RNY gastric bypass in February 2018.