How I (want to) use Twitter

Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Published in
1 min readNov 14, 2009

I don’t follow a lot of people on Twitter. That’s because I don’t really like to follow the information flow on Twitter, I just have a look at my @replies from time to time.

Nevertheless, I believe Twitter is a great tool for staying up-to-date with what my contacts are saying, but I want to have it contextualized. For example, if I email Andrei, my CTO, it’d be helpful to see his latest tweet in Gmail, when sending the email. Or, if I want to meet up with Dragos from UberVU, I want to see his latest few tweets in my BlackBerry Address Book, ’cause maybe he’s back in Romania for a few days.

You get the drill. It’s all about real-time, contextual, information flow. IMHO.



Emi Gal
Emi Gal

Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer living in New York. CEO & co-founder of Ezra. Previously CEO & co-founder of Brainient (acquired by Teads)