Possibly the ride of your life

Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2011

Two years ago, I was embarking on what has so far been the ride of my life: moving to London. It all started more or less because of Seedcamp, which has since then grown into a fantastic network of mentors, investors and entrepreneurs. Probably the best in Europe.

One of the components that makes Seedcamp unique is the Mini Seedcamp Events that happen around the world over the course of the year. I like attending these events whenever possible, so on October 20th I’m going to Mini Seedcamp Prague. There will be some fantastic mentors and investors there, and you can still apply to pitch your startup, here.

For me, the decision to move to London happened after I met Alex Van Someren at a Mini Seedcamp Event in Paris. So don’t miss out, wear good shoes and you might just end up in Europe’s technology capital as well. If not, at least the post-event parties are always good.



Emi Gal
Emi Gal

Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer living in New York. CEO & co-founder of Ezra. Previously CEO & co-founder of Brainient (acquired by Teads)