Driving in Provence towns: Roussillon, Gordes, Bonneiux

Emily Li
Emily’s Simple Abundance
3 min readApr 29, 2019

Provence towns in the Rhone valleys each radiated distinct charms, yet most were small in size and perched on mountain tops with commanding views. We drove from of Aix en Provence all the way north towards Avignon, passing by numerous towns including Roussillon, Gordes, and Bonneiux. The towns were simple in construction, with a religious center of cathedrals or a political center of medieval chateaus ruling the city. Most had narrow and diagonal cobblestoned alleys (requiring excellent driving skills from Dad haha) and a few restaurants that welcomed curious tourists.

We enjoyed the town of Roussillon, characterized by its red orche landscape, with a well maintained orche trail that guided us through the colorful labyrinth. The rich biological and geographical diversity gave birth to the mining town, as orches were dug up, washed, and made into nature colors that were shipped around the world. Roussillon’s orange townscape shimmered under the evening light, with the sun that set around 8:30pm.

The sharp contrast with the cloudless blue sky reflected Roussillon’s radiating orange cityscape, and we cherished roaming through the footpaths of the small picturesque town. Dad and I stayed at “Maison des Roses”, a local B&B with the owner a charming senior lady who only spoke French. She was extremely warm and hospitable, making huge efforts in conversing with us in my limited French haha, yet we managed a merry conversation talking about the towns we visited, my studies abroad, and introducing Roussillon’s limited selection of restaurants. In the following morning, she prepared scrambled eggs and a magnificent breakfast, telling us that the eggs were laid by “her hens” while the patisseries (muffins, pain au chocolate, and apple tart) were all her proud masterpieces. An enjoyable welcome and insightful glimpse to the charms of Provencal culture and flair.

The town of Gordes famed as “石頭城”was just miles away from Roussillon, yet vary drastically in geographical landscape. Perched on the Vancluse mountains, the residences were constructed from flat limestones forming a sensational harmony with the nature landscape. We visited the imposing castle of Gordes, perched on top of the city center, transformed under the waves of feudal wars and Renaissance architecture. Built in 1525, it was previously a feudal castle while Renaissance styles transformed part of the fortress in times of turmoil caused by the religious wars. Dad and I enjoyed learning about the local produce: olive trees that shaped the local industry. We learned that olive trees thrive in the Mediterranean climate, and were typically grown in mild climates were the weather never dips below -13 degrees and had little rain. “Olive huiles” were the only regional produces we brought back to Taiwan, both of us not huge shoppers and thus never planned for additional purchases haha.

