NOCA Discusses What is to Come

Emily Hudson
Emily’s Entry
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

Southeastern Louisiana University’s National Organizational Communication Association club met to talk about their upcoming events Monday, March 18 at 5 p.m. in D. Vickers.

The members of NOCA had an open discussion about many ideas for fundraisers, guest speakers for their meetings and events that they have to help put on for the school.

After discussion, the members of the club decided to host a movie night as a fundraiser. They will not charge for admission, but they will charge for concession items.

The club has not yet picked out a movie to show for the night, plans to select a movie that students will actually want to see.

Asante Jackson, one of the club members, stated, “I can create a poll to send out to students for them to pick what movie they would want to see.”

The club considered choosing to not help work the Colloquium and the Pinning Ceremony for Communication majors due to their lack of membership. Most of the members are new this semester and are not sure what to do to prepare for those events.

President Thora Hughes commented, “I think we should do the pinning ceremony because they do not need much from us. They need someone to read the names of the students being recognized and someone to hand out the pins.”

Velnice Banks, another club member, and Jackson decided that they will go to the two events and will help in whatever way they are needed for the night.

Hughes let the club members know that Dr. Joe Burns, SLU’s graduate program director, will come to the next meeting to give them information and details about the school’s graduate program.

“As a junior, I am very interested in learning more about the graduate program and I know that some of our other members are as well. Dr. Burns is the perfect person to come and do this presentation for our next meeting,” added Hughes.

There will be a second guest speaker in the upcoming weeks, according to Hughes. Kimberly Readlinger is going to come to a club meeting to talk in detail about the student’s resumes and how to prepare for interviews. Members of the club were encouraged to invite other students that could benefit from the presentation.

The club advisor located the club logo and provided it to Hughes so that she could put in an order for the club shirts.

“I will be sending out a message to get everyone’s shirt sizes so I can get the order in to have the shirts for the pinning ceremony,” said Hughes.

During the second half of the meeting, the members did a short case study about communication problems within the professional communication field.

The case study got all of the members involved. It led to an inclusive discussion and a better understanding of the purpose of communication for the entire club.

At the end of the meeting, members discussed who would bring snacks and refreshments for the next meeting, and Jackson stated that he will begin to start working on a new case study presentation for an upcoming meeting.

