How Much Does WordPress Website Will Cost You In 2021 (Updated)

WordPress Website Development Cost

Do you have ideas to Share, Start a business, or need an enterprise solution you can do it all using WordPress. WordPress becomes more powerful and popular in just a few years, On the official website they claim that WordPress powers more than 38% of the internet.

Now the question is how much does a WordPress website cost?

The price of a WordPress site depends on the method followed for the creation i.e. working independently, hiring freelancers, or using specialized agencies, Subsequently creating your WordPress theme also represents a cost that can considerably vary the price of your WordPress site. Although, free themes exist on WordPress; however, these generally offer few functionalities and are not sufficiently flexible and secure for a WordPress showcase site.

If you keep the design of your site simple with customized colors of your company, the price will be relatively low. If it is necessary to develop tailor-made functionalities, create a customer space, add the multi-language function or integrate an e-commerce solution into WordPress, the cost of the site will necessarily be higher. In these conditions, it will be more advantageous to use a CMS specialized in e-commerce.

Thus, the approximate cost or average cost for the WordPress website will vary between AED 817.2 and AED 4087.3 if made by a freelance designer or from AED 4904.9 to more than AED 20,432.4 if you hire a WordPress web agency. Speaking of monthly costs, three expenses must be taken into account:

  1. The Domain: The cost of a domain usually starts from AED 40.7 or AED 44 per year. You will also find domains that reach up to AED 163.4 or more per year.
  2. The hosting of the page: They tend to be around AED 20.2 or AED 24.2 per month
  3. Web maintenance: If you decide to hire this service from a professional, the price of web maintenance usually ranges from AED 81.5 / month, depending on the web.

Which Professionals Are Involved In Creating a WordPress site?

First of all, the web designer will design the graphics for your website. He or she may offer many visuals to integrate on your sites such as illustrations, banners, or even animations.

Then, you need a WordPress developer who will continue its work by creating your pages in HTML, before you have to worry about the price of the WordPress webmaster. The latter has a very important role in the creation of your site. His services may, therefore, weigh on your budget, but, if he does its job well, your site will be easy to manage and functional.

Thereafter, to regularly feed your pages, you will have to collaborate with a webmaster — ideally specialized in the WordPress CMS — and a web editor, to obtain quality content, likely to help you to be well referenced on search engines.

Finally, if you want to attract traffic through the search engines, You will need to find an SEO consultant to help you The Seo will look at checklist like site speed optimization, structured data, HTML improvements, Cross-platform compatibility, Robots.txt, Traffic Tracking Program Installed Correctly and some other important technical things. Again, this action represents a financial investment that cannot be overlooked in a budget.

Free consultation

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us we offer a free consultation for whatever your requirement is. 971-52–887-6081

Originally published at on November 13, 2020.



Emirates Software Group FZ LLC
Emirates Software Group FZ LLC

Emirates Software Group FZ LLC is a Software agency with extensive experience since 2013 working on Creating Mobile Apps Web Apps, Custom Software and much more