Why do You Need Rich Snippets For Your Website?

It all starts with a click.

It is merely a click that marks the beginning of your business relationship with new followers, fans, subscribers, and customers in the virtual world. If you want to obtain that click and be on top of the list, then you need to target appropriate strategies such as using appropriate keywords, an optimized title tag, and a meta description.

You are probably here to rank your business higher in search engine rankings or just to breathe in a new life to your SEO campaigns. This is where the rich snippets come into play.

According to Moz.com, this practice of utilizing snippets is recognized by Google, Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo as a source of improved click-through rates.

Understanding The Concept of Snippets

First of all, there are two kinds of snippets; normal and rich.

A normal snippet is the one we usually see in our search results. When you search for anything on Google, the results will look like this (the box highlighted in the image); the title will be in blue, the URL of the website will be displayed in green and the description will be written in black. This kind of snippet will give you a basic idea about the information you will find, once you decide to click the link.

On the other hand, the rich (featured) snippet will give you additional information as well. It might include a picture, a rating, and so forth.

If you learn to set up the rich snippets effectively or hire an SEO agency in the UAE to do the work for you, it will massively improve your SEO campaign. It is a great tool to have at hand.

Benefits of Having Rich Snippets

In simpler words, rich snippets are the title text lines that appear below every search results that give the user an insider on what is on the page and how it is relevant to their search.

The most used search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, use Schema.org to let them know about what information could be considered as a ‘snippet’ in the search results.

Therefore, you have to improve how your website is viewed in the search results; which would then automatically increase the number of click-throughs to open up your website.

Here are a few benefits of using rich snippets:

Rich snippets will get you more attention. Any SEO agency in the UAE, US, UK, or elsewhere will stand by this statement. When a user gets additional information, their attention span automatically increases. Moreover, it allows you to maintain your unique value in the search results.

If you use the rich snippets for your website, you will get more clicks. CTR (Click-Through-Rate) will drastically increase, which will eventually help you with your search engine rankings. So, it is a win-win situation.

The chances of a user clicking your page automatically increase as rich snippets display relevant information that your competitors are not displaying. Hence, you will automatically have an edge over your competitors

The overall display of the website can be improved drastically with the use of structured data. Make sure that AMP is enabled.

If you are still confused about how effective rich snippets can be for your ranking, then let’s talk numbers. You can climb up the ladder much higher by converting rich snippets into featured ones. It will make you land at the top of the search results. Research displays a significant 516% increase in the number of sessions. Moreover, CTR can also shift from 2% to a significant 8%, It also shows an astounding 677% increase in organic visitors. Now, these numbers are something that you can use to your benefit.

We hope you found this article helpful, if you have any queries, leave them down in the comments section below.

Originally published at https://emiratessg.com on May 6, 2020.



Emirates Software Group FZ LLC
Emirates Software Group FZ LLC

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