Bringing customers back to crypto (Part two)

EMIREX Exchange
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

If the crypto and blockchain sector is going to live up to its potential, it needs to build its credibility with a variety of different types of a potential user. This is a complicated process, but given the opportunities that the blockchain represents, it is achievable.

This set of articles looks at the steps that need to be taken to move crypto and the blockchain from its current technological and financial services niche and into a wider, non-specialist audience. In this article, we examine the need to keep it simple without sacrificing functionality.

The PC moment

Personal computers existed before Microsoft. Users simply needed to be moderately tech-savvy and fluent in Pascal, C, or its imaginatively named successor C++ to make them work.

What took the PC into the mass market was Bill Gates having the neat idea applying a mouse-operated graphical user interface to the operating system. Suddenly, computer users no longer needed to learn computer languages: With a roll of the wrist and a click of the finger, applications could be launched. Windows was born and went on to dominate both the home and business computing market for the best part of two decades, revolutionising the way that we live and work in the process.

Steve Jobs took things further and make the process of operating a computer even easier by replacing the mouse with touch screens that were underpinned by a clean design sensibility. This helped move the technological revolution beyond the PC on our desks and onto the phones in our pockets.

Obviously, what the crypto and blockchain sector is setting out to achieve is very different from the home, business or mobile computing sectors, but there needs to be a similar process. It needs to find an application that is simple enough to let the mass market embrace it, while simultaneously making sure that that application can be comprehensive enough for the people who are already expert in the space to keep doing what they are doing.

The Emirex perspective

Our experience of working within the crypto sector means that we have built the Emirex platform with simplicity in mind. We want to broaden the uptake of the crypto sector, and one of the most logical ways of doing this is by delivering a suite of tools that can be embraced by potential traders and investors of all levels.

This is why we have a full-featured version of Emirex available for professional traders as well as a simplified version that will help newer members of the community develop their confidence. We don’t expect to change the world in the way that Microsoft and Apple have, but we would like to make a positive contribution to the way the sector operates.

In the next article, we will discuss contagion and the need to make it easier to bring assets to and from the crypto sector.

Emirex is a Dubai based crypto exchange that has been in development for the last five years. The Emirex platform offers professional trading functionality and a suite of simplified tools so that experts and people new to the crypto sector can support an exciting range of global projects.

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