Distribution of Thought — The Dangers of a Mono-Culture Society

Robert Tanguay


“You can have the greatest idea, the most accurate solution, but if no one can see or hear it, it doesn’t matter.”

Thoughts come about a person by the labor of reflecting on past experiences, learned knowledge and new information (news). These thoughts can be used to act or influence other’s actions. As our species and society leaves the natural world, capital is becoming more concentrated while individual rights and powers are shrinking in value.

That is, unless you are the person that controls the capital. You can use that capital to buy distribution.

People do what is in their perceived best interest, with the key word being “perceived”. They take in new information and use their knowledge to achieve goals both big and small. This leaves room for manipulation and misinformation.

In times of perceived stress, people can be presented false information and recommendations, or information can be omitted to lead people to make bad decisions.

Propaganda and other content can be distributed through digital and traditional media.



Robert Tanguay

Deep thought re: Environment, AI, Equality, Economics, Small Business. Founder of New England Marketing & Efficiency; Author of “Incentives and the Environment”