Artemis immortal goddess of the hunt

Emma Lilley
Greek Mythology
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018
The goddess Artemis

Want to be immortal? Then join Artemis’s hunters, No boys allowed.

Hera, goddess of marriage was jealous because Zeus had had another affair, this time with a daughter of the Titans, Coeus, and Phoebe. The girl’s name was Leto, Hera cursed Leto by making all the land reject her so that she could not give birth.

Leto wept in pain, she searched the earth for somewhere, anywhere where she could give birth in peace.

“Please!” She cried, “Let me find a place to bear my children!”

After a long search, Leto came across the island of Ortygia. The island was beautiful. Ortygia was not connected to the ocean floor, and here Leto gave birth to her first child, Artemis.

As soon as Artemis was born she changed form and helped deliver her twin brother Apollo.

Artemis became the goddess of childbirth but she was also the goddess of many more things.

Artemis soon gained followers, (No they were not on Instagram) Her followers were called the hunters. maidens that can be mortal, demigod, or nymph.

They had to swear to there loyalty to Artemis and in turn, Artemis would grant them immortality.

On one condition, The had to swear to reject men forever. If a hunter broke her vow, they would be shamed and Artemis would take away their immortality. Artemis was the protector of all women, she was loved and respected by the Greeks.

Artemis is the goddess of Wild animals, the hunt, fertility and childbirth, and vegetation

Her Roman counterpart is Diana and Artemis was also worship by the Amazons.




Emma Lilley
Greek Mythology

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