Interview with Emma Labrador: How to become a successful Community Manager

Emma Labrador
Emma Labrador
Published in
5 min readFeb 16, 2017

There hasn’t been any doubt recently that the most successful digital marketing brands have invested heavily in building supportive communities. Have you ever thought about what it means to be a community manager and to be in charge of building such a community?

We were lucky enough to interview Emma Labrador, Community Manager at, and she was happy to share how to make it happen.

SEOmonitor: Tell us a bit about your role within the OnCrawl team. What are your main duties?

EL: I’m working as a Community Manager for our SEO solution OnCrawl. I’m in charge of monitoring all of our social media and our SEO blog.

To be more specific, I could describe a normal week as follows: I do SEO monitoring on authority blogs, write articles about search engine updates, SEO or online marketing, manage our social accounts, and measure the results. My responsibilities also include the creation and conception of other kinds of content, such as newsletters, tutorials and materials for social media sharing (for example infographics). The main goal would be to grow the social media presence of OnCrawl and its community.

Furthermore, I could also be cosindered a customer support manager, because many of our clients contact us via Twitter or even Facebook, when they have questions or need help.

This is a very exciting job, because every day is different! You can interact with people, solve problems, answer questions, etc. And it’s very rewarding, I’m learning every day!

SEOmonitor: We feel that a well-delivered SEO campaign can’t be successful without properly developing and executing on-page SEO. How can your product,, help digital marketing experts achieve SEO success?

EL: Our product is a very powerful and comprehensive web crawler for enterprise SEO audits. It provides easy-to-use data for optimizing your on-page SEO (data regarding the latest search engine guidelines) and thus helps you improve your website rankings.

OnCrawl is able to index more than 20 million pages at a time and analyzes your:

  • Tags: Titles, Descriptions, H1 tags, H2 tags, etc.
  • Performance: Load time, Weight.
  • Architecture: Internal structure, Inlinks, Outlinks, Popularity flow, etc.
  • And your content as well: Duplications, Word Count, N-grams.

Our newest product version includes a near duplicate detector. We are the first to provide a semantic analysis of your site’s content, revealing similar pages and giving you the possibility to fix, remove or improve these pages. Google usually doesn’t like these near-duplicate pages and tends to penalize sites with too many internal duplications.

So I would say that OnCrawl can definitely help every digital marketing expert master their SEO successfully, by constantly giving them the right data and hints for improvement.

SEOmonitor: Many people are going crazy for visual content. Do you feel that it works? Can you share any examples of success stories?

EL: Yes, I feel that it definitely works. Imagine a Twitter feed with text, text, text, text, text with image, text, text, text, and so on… Of course, the first tweet you see is the one with the image. We are “visual creatures” and images tend to grab our attention a lot faster. And videos even more so, especially when they are auto-playing,like nowadays’ Facebook videos!

Visual content is something every company should consider including in their social media strategy. In my experience, images and videos are shared more often (and more easily) than posts that only contain text, because people pay more attention to something visual, descriptive and appealing.

And don’t they say an image is worth a 1000 words?

SEOmonitor: It’s hard not to notice that OnCrawl has an absolutely lovely Twitter community. Do you mind sharing your recipe for success with us?

EL: The key is to engage with your followers and to create and share highly valuable content that targets them and that is about their topics. Find people that are interested in your topic(s) (this can be time-consuming, but don’t give up!), follow them on social media, talk to them, keep them happy. Use images. Use hashtags, but don’t exaggerate. Be patient. And some other secret ingredients… ;)

We are happy to help people and we try to give reliable pieces of advice, while keeping it fun.

We are happy to help people and we try to give them reliable advices and keep it fun.

SEOmonitor: What content metrics do you recommend for daily measuring and tracking?

EL: I think that consumption, shares, leads and sales are the four metrics every marketer should take into account when talking about content marketing. Of course making the link between consumption/shares and leads/sales is not always obvious, but at least you can see trends and correlations and attribute them to your work and find satisfaction in this.

SEOmonitor: Could you please share your favourite content marketing tools?

EL: Actually we are a provider for cloud-based digital marketing solutions and our tool-set also contains a content marketing solution — Docido — available in a beta version for the moment. Docido is a content discovery tool and ranking engine, that presents all the pieces of your digital world in one customized and integrated view. You get all the information you need in a single search. The content from all your networks and services is ranked according to what is most important to you — Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Evernote, GMail, Dropbox and any other cloud service you might be using. It helps you pinpoint and find trends, topics, companies or people and retrieve stuff easily. Try it, for the moment it’s still free.

Regarding other tools, I generally use Feedly. This content discovery tool is very helpful in my daily monitoring, as it gives me an overview of all the latest articles from the websites I follow. It is easy to use, clear and you can share articles directly on Twitter.

And the last one, equally well-known, is Buzzsumo. This tool is pretty convenient when you are looking for hot topics and subjects that went viral. For a PR strategy, for instance, Buzzsumo can also help you find influencers.


It has been a real pleasure and honour to interview Emma from the OnCrawl team. Many thanks to Emma for sharing her insight on how to become a more successful and effective community manager. We now know the tools to use and the metrics that we should vigilantly follow, to ensure our efforts generate the perfect boost for our business.

First published on SEOMonitor:



Emma Labrador
Emma Labrador

Head of #Marketing & #Communication @OnCrawl. I’m sharing some of my search marketing articles and other projects.