Are You Sure You Want to Ask Your Partner About Their Body Count?

On the “how many sexual partners did you have before me?” question.

Emma London
Emma London writes


Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

I’m a serious advocate for open communication between a couple. Yet, I don’t defend you should reveal everything about your sexual past. That’s your choice; one your partner should respect.

I defend that people in a relationship should be transparent towards each other; I can’t see any other way to make it work. But at what point this transparency should include full disclosure of your past?

I’ll go further on to say a couple doesn’t need to know every detail of their partner’s life, but that’s a different topic. I’m not defending secrets, only stating that despite being in a relationship, you’re still an individual with an independent life.

I never had someone asking me directly about my previous sexual partners, but I know for a fact it happens to many people. As I know that it sometimes impacts negatively the relationship.

There are several considerations to have when asking your partner about the sexual partners they had before you.

I’m not talking about questioning your partner on their sexual health.



Emma London
Emma London writes

(Forever) Exploring my sexuality - with all its kinks and fetishes.