Sexual Compatibility Doesn’t Mean You Being Into Everything Your Partner Is

Saying no to things your partner asks doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker

Emma London
Emma London writes


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Sexual compatibility is extremely important in a relationship, but it doesn’t mean you must be completely on the same page as your partner.

My partner and I are sexually very compatible. We are into the same kinks; we enjoy the same sex performance style — trying different positions during sex; intercalating kinky sex with devoted, slow sex sessions; using sex toys, among other things.

Still, there are things about our sexuality that aren’t a “perfect match” and we’re fine with that.

Communication is the key

I’m an advocate for open communication between a couple.

Not only sexual communication, but couples openly talking about any topics, including those that might be uncomfortable or problematic.

If you’re not honest with your partner about your sexual preferences, desires and fantasies, you’re doomed to unfulfilled sex.

No one is a mind reader, and your partner won’t guess your desires, that you’d like to change the frequency you have sex, that you wish to add sex toys to your sexual dynamic, and so on.



Emma London
Emma London writes

(Forever) Exploring my sexuality - with all its kinks and fetishes.