We Have Opposite Love Languages: Can We Make It Work?

Can I be happy without ‘the’ words?

Emma London
Emma London writes


Photo by Karina Thomson on Unsplash

As an advocate of communication between couples and one that always speaks her mind (and heart), I believe that a relationship doesn’t thrive nor survive without honest, clear communication.

I’m in a very happy relationship with Mr P.; we are compatible in many ways. However (there’s always one, isn’t it?), lately I’ve been struggling a bit with our communication dynamic.

I’m good at manoeuvring words, I love them! I easily name my emotions, my wants and needs, and there’s no taboo subject for me. Also, I’m a good listener, and I do my best to emphasise.

Mr P. is everything of the above. Except what regards communicating about feelings. We often spend hours talking and laughing about the most varied subjects, from sex to our jobs; from dreams, plans and wishes, to travels; we talk about how we see our relationship evolve and where it can lead us. Yet, if the topic is feelings, the man goes mute.

I’m in love with Mr P., the same way I feel he’s in love with me. We haven’t said it to each other; the closest I got was saying “I like you a lot.” Which has two different reactions from him, depending on the medium I use: if I text him, he will text me back “I like you a lot, too.” If I say it in his…



Emma London
Emma London writes

(Forever) Exploring my sexuality - with all its kinks and fetishes.