Looking After You In This Global Pandemic

The travel and transport sector have been impacted pretty hard by the global pandemic, including services that link to using transport like Emma.ai.

We’re very lucky as our customers and users are sticking with us and we feel really appreciative and happy for that.

It seems as though the pandemic is not going away anytime soon, so we thought we’d give you an update on what the team at Emma.ai are focusing on in this period of disruption.

1. Giving 3 months free credit to our awesome existing customers

We understand that the global disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic is having an impact on how you are able to travel, or whether you are able to travel at all. For some customers it isn’t possible to use Emma.ai right now, so for this reason, we have added 3 months of free credit to all our existing customer accounts. If you are a new customer or are currently on a trial, please contact us to request an extension.

2. Soft-launching our Meeting Pages: Emma.ai can still help while you are at home

Although your daily travel plans are disrupted, you can make use of our new meeting pages. You can arrange virtual meetings with others when you have availability in your calendar (it also works for non-virtual meetings which we hope will be valuable in the near future — more info on this will follow). This is an early-stage experimental feature so we would love to hear what you think.

3. Catching up with our customers: Making Emma.ai work harder for you

Over the next few weeks we are contacting some of you to ask for feedback as part of our ongoing user research to help us make Emma.ai work harder for you, to save you even more time. If you are able to provide some time to contribute to our research, we would be very happy.

We’ll keep you updated over the next few months to let you know how we’re getting on and more exciting features for Emma.ai.

Team Emma.ai 🚀

