Interview with actress & model Ciera FOSTER

“The sexiest thing a woman can have, is the strength to be beautifully, divinely, herself…” Ciera Foster

Emmanuelle Choussy
Emmanuelle Choussy
3 min readMay 9, 2016


Ciera Foster Los Angeles — March 2016
  1. Could you introduce yourself in one sentence?

My name is Ciera Foster, I am an artistic alchemist here to share my love vibrations with the world.

2) What are the 3 most beautiful words or expressions you would be happy to teach to a young child if you had to?

I would tech my child that they are composed the of invite love of the universe. I would also tech them that being themselves is the key to their greatness. I would instill in them the finite concept that no one on this planet is them and that is their power, and I would inspire my child to believe this with confidence and conviction.

3) If you were forced to become a character from the past, historical or fictional, who would you choose and why:

I would like to be Buddah for a day. I would want to know what it felt like to feel that level of consciousness, peace, love and serenity even for a day.

I would be Frida Kahlo for a year.

I would be Cleopatra. I feel I have an old soul royal in spirit and that of a warrior. I’d love to actually live that truth as the powerful Queen in beautiful Egypt and breathing the air of my homeland, mother Africa.

4) What was your biggest dream as a 10-year-old child?

My biggest dream was to take care of my family and to be happy. It was simple.

5) In your current life, what are you the most proud of?

Growing in to the person I was born to be with no regrets. — Simplified terms taking on who I already am. I’ve won awards, traveled the world, modeled, acted even been a champion athlete but that by far is the thing I’m most proud of as a human being and free spirit.

6) What are your “secrets” or tips to go through difficult situations?

Breath. Meditate. Choose happiness. Life is about choices we have the power to choose to be defeated, we can’t control what happens but we can master our emotions, thoughts and reactions. I truly believe all things worked together for the greater good even the bad. Trust the life flow and enjoy the journey.

7) Could you finish this interview with the sentence of your choice?

In the end everything is ok, if it’s not ok it’s not the end.

Discover the behind-the-scenes video filmed by Emmanuelle Choussy and Sébastien Cipolla, edited by Emmanuelle Choussy, music by Mick Byrds.


  • Production, photography & videography Emmanuelle Choussy
  • Actress and model Ciera FOSTER
  • Hair and makeup by Codi GOLDHAMMER
  • Original soundtrack by Mick BYRDS
  • Silver dress by Fabio De Riso for la Piazzeta Di Capri
  • Black tutu by Lucie Carrasco

