Be among the first marketers to try out our MVP — FOR FREE

Taja Oremuž
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2018
MVP invitation

We have just released our MVP and have decided to offer it to a limited number of currently active
a) marketers
b) ICOs
c) companies from various industries (globally)

What does that mean?
It means you can start using it for free and can start building your reputation before anyone else in the world.

EMMARES enables you to:
- Create your own account as a marketer and therefore you get to try it out among the first
- You get the option to start building your reputation. With good reputation you get a chance to expand your reach and work toward better results and higher ROI

EMMARES is an innovation in Email marketing world and our goal is to create a global digital reputation of email content providers and their contents. Searchable reputation directory will transform email from one sided push media to interactive trusted digital channel.

We already have interesting senders registered in our platform and we want to grow the network! So if you haven’t received any invitation from us so far and would be interested in using our product (for free) to promote your ICO or service just fill out this form and we will get back to you.


In the MVP version everything is free, you even get test EMA tokens. Keep in mind that those test EMA tokens will not be transfered to the fully working EMMARES platform later on, but they do enable you to learn how EMMARES works and to start building your reputation before everyone else.


