»Blockchain« - The buzzword of the year

Dejan Plavše
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2017

2017 will be over soon and it is probably safe to proclaim »The Blockchain« as the buzzword of the year. It is not surprising though as it represents the new technology poised to revolutionize our world. As many probably don’t know, 2018 will mark the 10-year anniversary of the first distributed Blockchain, and if this Blockchain hype continues at the same rate it could also be the year when the Blockchain finally goes mainstream.

Yes, a lot has happened in the past 10 years. The world witnessed the rise of Cryptocurrencies and the rise of Blockchain technology adoptions. Businesses worldwide were finally starting to use this technology to revolutionize different sectors and they were doing that rapidly. However, it is still early for Blockchain. As it has been the case many times in the past, when it comes to new technology, it takes time for general public to get involved or actively take part in the newest forms of technology. It needs to transform and become more user friendly in order to become accessible for people with little to no technological background.

Trying to explain Blockchain or Cryptocurrency today is still like trying to explain the Internet to someone in late 80s and the beginning of the 90s. The reason why it’s so difficult to explain it is because Blockchain is a brand new concept. It is often compared to the Internet in terms of disruption potential. And the bigger the disruption potential is, the longer it takes for specific concept to go mainstream. Blockchain will be no different. This lack of understanding will continue to be the main challenge facing Blockchain technology in general and cryptocurrencies in particular. But the future looks bright for Blockchain and EMMARES team knows that very well.

Similar to probably every development team in the past who tried to revolutionize specific sector, we are also aware, we need to be ahead of the mainstream. And that brings a lot of unanswered questions to the table. But all technology disruptions are hard. They take time, money and a lot of knowledge and effort. We know that. That is why we are currently uniting the best team members possible from many different professions to give our project the highest chance of success. We are working hard to develop so called proof of concept and prepare everything that is needed to launch a successful ICO.

EMMARES team believes that our solution can contribute a lot to email marketing world and we are doing our best to bring EMMARES project to life as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more info about EMMARES project and ICO date.

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