Taja Oremuž
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2018

We are sure that by now, we have made it clear enough that EMMARES enables all marketers to use the same ESP provider than before and EMMARES does not encourages anyone to pick a particular ESP provider. But we made it easier for all of you who want to start and haven’t used any ESPs until now or you don’t use one at the moment. Of course you can pick whichever you think is the most appropriate for you, but if you choose to work with SquizMAIL this is a short guide on how to do that.

1) Start/Create your free SquizMAIL account

Go to squizmail.com and create your free SquizMAIL account. All you need to enter during sign up process is your email address, password and your name and surname. And voila, you instantly get full access to all SquizMAIL’s features. Now you can send email campaigns, track recipients activities, create landing pages and much more.

2) Create a new landing page (Unsubscribe form)

Login to your SquizMAIL account and go to campaign list management (click “campaigns” in the main menu) and create a new campaign (click button “new”) dedicated for landing page/ forms.

Enter campaign’s title and description.

Then click on “New landing page” button.

Enter form’s title (“Unsubscribed contacts” for example if you are planning to make OptOut page) and add an email address where you want SquizMAIL to send notifications about contacts.

Note: The form title is only visible to you and not to your email recipients. It is good to name it in a way that will make it clear for you to which campaign this landing page is linked to.

3) Select a proper landing page template

In order for the unsubscribe page to be optimally functional, it needs to have a simple text explaining your contacts what exactly they need to do and an email address field (have to be required field). To make this as simple as possible, SquizMAIL’s team prepared a free subscribe (OptIn) and unsubscribe (OptOut) forms.

How to create a simple unsubscribe (OptOut) form?

To create a simple OptOut landing page to manage unsubscribed contacts, you need to use a proper template. Click on “Create from template” button.

A new window will appear. Make sure “Generic Templates” category is selected.

Look for “OptOut Landing Page” template and click on the “Add button” (green cross icon). SquizMAIL will add this template to your landing page and redirect you back to Edit form page.

There is just one more thing to do. You need to scroll down in content editor until you find content “All rights Reserved. © 2018 Your Company Name.”. Select text “Your Company Name” and change it to your company name. And that is it.

4) Create auto-reply email

If you want SquizMAIL to send an auto-reply to everyone that uses your landing page/form, you can set up an auto reply by click at “Send auto-reply to contacts”. You need to set up the time when the email is supposed to be sent (immediately or with some time delay), design auto reply email and save it.

Now just save the form and publish it (to become visible to the public).

Click on the “Publish” button (top right corner) to save and publish this landing page.

5) Test if everything works correctly

If you want to test it out if the publish was successful and if the form is working correctly, copy a “Direct Url” and paste it into your browser. Click enter and your form should appear.

Create test entry (hint: use your own email but keep in mind that it is better if you don’t use the same email that you have entered for receiving leads, so just use any of your other email addresses). SquizMAIL will notify you if data was successfully sent. If you set up auto reply you will also receive auto reply mail to your inbox. Plus, SquizMAIL will also send you an email notification that a new contact was added to that form.

6) Analyze form’s activities

You can now return to SquizMAIL dashboard and look under active landing pages. Your form is located there.

There you can view data such as the contacts collected with that form and see form’s analytics like the timeline or see events by location.

You can access unsubscribe contacts by clicking on “View leads” button. Or if you wish to see analytics, button “Analyze results” will be the right choice.

7) Export collected contacts

You can export collected contacts to a file and use it to unsubscribe them in SquizMAIL or any other email marketing software of your choice.

To export contacts, click on “View leads” button. This will show you “Lead viewer” page. To start export simply click on “Export” button.

