EMMARES tips — designing a landing page that brings results

Taja Oremuž
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2018

If we look at modern methods of marketing, email marketing proves incredibly effective. The ROI on an organization’s efforts can be as high as 3800%, or $38 for every dollar spent. Consider that 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. That positions email marketing at the top.

But there is a big difference between creating a mediocre mailing or the one where you actually achieve the goal you’ve set up. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to do just that and we’ll start by explaining the foundations.

If you’re familiar with landing pages, you’ve probably heard the term “squeeze page” before. But what exactly is a squeeze page? In a nutshell, squeeze page is similar to a landing page, except it’s a more specific version of it.

Landing page is a standalone page that is created to fulfill a specific conversion goal. Landing page goals can vary; from free trial sign-ups, building your email base, downloading a guide or an e-book, etc.

On the other hand, squeeze pages are designed to serve only one action and that is to collect a user’s email address. The offer on the squeeze page can be similar to those on the landing page (e-book, white paper, guide) but the CTA (call to action) goal remains the same — collect the visitor’s name and email address. Some squeeze pages can be landing pages, but not all landing pages are squeeze pages because landing pages can have varying goals.

A landing page can be detailed (depending on the product being promoted) and includes more text, explanatory graphics, educational content and can have multiple CTA goals (buttons). However, your squeeze page must be short and on point.

TOP 5 mistakes designers make, when designing a landing page:

1. Designing a landing page in a way that it does not make it clear what is the main goal or CTA (call to action). Although it is perfectly acceptable that landing page has more than one CTA, if you include too many, you can lose the focus and the end result can be unsuccessful conversion.

2. Your landing page is looking more like a squeeze page rather than landing page — meaning that there is not enough content. For example, if you want to start selling a new product and you create a landing page with just the basic info about the product (price and photo), probably not a lot of readers will buy it. You have to explain why the product is great and why the reader should purchase it, or subscribe to your mailing list etc.

3. Image size — try to avoid using images that are bigger than 2–3MB. Although this is a general estimation, it is important that the quality of the image is still acceptable but don’t use HQ images if there is no need for it. This will slow down the open time and you can lose customers if they have to wait too long for the page to load.

4. Be creative — it still seems like the majority of email designers think that they have to stick to their corporate identity design, which makes sense. But it doesn’t have to be a rule. If you have a special event, invitation or a specific goal you want to achieve with your mailing (ex. Build up your subscribers list), you should design a landing page in a way, that emphasizes that, rather than disrupt the process with your company design.

5. Responsive design — Last but not least — a very important thing to be aware of is to make sure your landing page is responsive. If you don’t design it properly — for mobile devices for example, you can lose 2/3 of the potential traffic since, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones ( source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/241462/global-mobile-phone-website-traffic-share/ )

In collaboration with SquizMail we have just published a step-by-step guide (Link: http://bit.ly/how-to-use-squizmail ). As you all know, EMMARES presents the future of email marketing because it brings an interesting option for mailing and landing page designers, to include a special code in their mailing footer so that readers can rate their content. This is a great way to get noticed and bring even more interested users to your landing page.

If you want to try out our MVP, you can do that FOR FREE by signing up here:http://bit.ly/MVP-EMMARES-campaign

