First glimpse of EMMARES MVP — Tell us what you think

Taja Oremuž
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2018

This is a huge milestone for EMMARES! We are BEYOND excited to be able to show you the first draws of EMMARES dashboard!

Yes — you are one of the first supporters to see, how EMMARES (MVP) will look like!

The basic dashboard will include all the important data for you to get right after signing in to your account.

You, as an email user (recipient), will be able to see how many tokens you’ve earned, your rating statistics such as the number of rated emails, average scores and your community match.

You’ll also be able to get your top5 favorite content list (based on your interests) and view the list of all the other popular contents and topics.

Next, the ‘My Content’ section will look like this:

Now, this is the part where the magic happens ✨. This section will allow you to pick and choose whichever sender you like, whatever content and topics you like and you’ll be also able to see, which topics are trending, which senders are the most popular (and best rated). To help you choose, EMMARES will also enable filtering by time (ex. most popular in the last week), location (ex. in Europe), field (ex. sports) and type. And that’s not all you can also choose between most subscribed, most recent, popular and featured.

This is it for the first impression, stay tuned because we will soon reveal the other sections on the dashboard of EMMARES.

Tell us what you think so far, we’ll be happy to hear your opinion! Join our Telegram or reach out to us in any other way 👇👇👇


