Taja Oremuž
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

And so the ROADSHOW continues

Ian Balina and EMMARES team

In the beginning of this week, EMMARES team has joined Ian Balina on his IAN BALINA CRYPTO WORLD TOUR in Budapest.

The event was held in Park Inn by Radisson and there were limited spots available. We have been lucky enough to be able to present EMMARES to Ian Balina team and our CEO Bojan Oremuž did a great job!

These kind of events are positive for multiple reasons. The most obvious is to get face to face with the organizers (Ian Balina team). However an important aspect is also to get in touch with the investors that come to these events (and informal after events), which we managed to do quite well. Another reason to go to these type of events are other ICOs and team members that we already know or want to get to know. It is good to have a big business network so we can help each other. We are not perceiving other ICOs as our competition but rather our friends in the business.

Overall we can say this meet up was a success and we have made new connections and new friends. So if you see us at any of the upcoming events, don’t hesitate to come up to us and chat. We’ll be happy to answer any questions and expand our network.

Ian Balina and Bojan Oremuz (CEO EMMARES)

Hopefully, see you next time!

Info about the next event on our Roadshow timeline is coming soon!

