Cloud Computing Trends: What to Look Out for in 2021

Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies
5 min readJul 19, 2021

There is a great explosion of cloud in the whole world and in such a manner that every enterprise is vouching for its services. And keep the words; it is not going to recede anytime soon! Cloud technology will be there for a time to come.

Why is cloud computing service gaining laurel for their work across all industries? It is so as cloud is a unique platform where the generation of data with innovative solutions helps in producing the best products and applications for the customers.

What’s more, the year 2020 has acted as a watershed moment for cloud technology. The severe impact of COVID-19 across the world has compelled organizations to fuse their existing system with cloud computing technology to achieve a high level of flexibility. Moreover, the remote working environment is getting acceptance, and cloud computing is creating a major role in reshaping the continuation of the business.

As more and more businesses are inching closer toward the cloud environment, organizations are learning additional benefits that come with the given technology for the smooth functioning of their profession. The current article presents you with some vital trends that will define the path of cloud computing in the year 2021 and even beyond. Likewise, it will also showcase how these trends will act as a boon for the entire cloud native application development.

Trend 1: Enough Scope for Multi/Hybrid Cloud to Prosper

Cloud data management is not about recognizing a single and specific cloud platform; it’s about choosing a perfect solution at the right time. The year 2021 is known for the emergence and embracing of multi-cloud offerings to get the best solution. It has been shown from the report of Gartner that revealed that at least 75% of large companies shall opt for a hybrid vendor for cloud native development. It will comprise multiple public clouds, dedicated private clouds, and legacy platforms.

Trend 2: More Priority will be given for Controlling Cloud Costs

Another report from Gartner has shown that revenue generation from the public cloud will surge by 17% in 2021. Likewise, more than 60% of organizations will use cloud computing service providers that will double to 30% by 2022. An interesting piece of information, isn’t it?

Though cloud computing is a decentralized model, it has resulted in the exponential growth of cost that will surely be going to have a serious impact on the business in the longer run. Different cloud services have different billing costs, and arranging them to suit business interests is a tall order.

To solve it, an innovative 3rd party solution has become an alternative option. They support organization to avail granular insight and get access to unified management of cost and reduce it to a greater extent. That will surely boost the morale of the organization.

Trend 3: Tectonic Shift towards Demand for Tech-loving People

With good control on cloud-based costs, there will be more revenue in the kitty of the businesses and will also help them to cope up with the challenges well. The cloud service provider will now lock for an expert team that consists of cloud technicians, data scientists, and others that will over innovative solutions so that everyone can reap the rewards.

It will be an exciting trend in 2021, and more and more companies will push towards hiring those experts that have precise knowledge of Machine Learning, AI, and other latest technologies.

Trend 4: Turning Growing Competitive Environment into Compliance-based Venture

The given cloud trend urges businesses to imply a vendor-agnostic approach by looking for SaaS solutions as they are renowned for reducing bottlenecks in the functioning of the organization. The future will be for a heterogeneous environment that will ensure organizations will achieve the same level of insight on every platform without any gaps.

It will be crucial in preventing cyber-attackers to take the whole system by storm and infest it with harmful computer viruses and malware. It can be possible by opting for compliance-based tools to offer the best protection to the data privacy and security and reduce further complications.

Trend 5: Digital Natives will take the Workforce by Storm

The current pandemic has forced every workforce across the globe to shift to work in a remote location (or you can say work from home). With it, professionals that are tech-savvy and can work at any place are going to take the front seat. Also called digital natives, they will make the working more social media friendly and will use the best digital communication tools to stay connected with their fellow colleagues.

For organizations, integrating digital natives with the current workforce will make their environment more diverse and robust. In addition, the adoption of the recent trend will make the training of the older workforce obsolete.

Trend 6: Serverless Computing will Rule the Roost of the Cloud Computing

Another exciting trend that is gaining significant momentum is the Serverless computing. It is based on the ‘pay-as-you-go’ model and offers a high level of scalability and flexibility in their applications without worrying much about the current infrastructure.

Moreover, more than 20% of global business enterprises have already moved their services to the Serverless computing by 2020. It clearly shows that the given technology will put full control over infrastructure spending on the users. Besides, it will also allow them to focus more on building and managing efficient applications.

Last Thoughts

So, cloud consulting services have already reached to their full level to offer great value to the products of any respective business. In addition, the given trends will help the companies to convert their present working infrastructure into an innovative one and also utilize the resources to the full extent.

There are already numerous challenges associated with the cloud computing, and these trends will only decrease their presence in the working scenario. They will not only make the users more forward-thinking but will allow customers to reap maximum benefits to get access to the best of their skills and expertise.



Emorphis Technologies
Emorphis Technologies

Emorphis Technologies is a world-class software development company. We serve industries ranging from unicorns and startups to large multinationals.